• 68 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2020


  • She usually does get conspiratorial. But I’ve experienced it weaponized against me. She thinks I dont have free will or free thinking. If I agree with her in something or do something she approves, its ok, but if I disagree or do anything she doesn’t approve of, then is because I must be being manipulated by someone else.

    This was such a problem when I became a teenager and I started to defend myself because she said that “someone” must have been manipulating me to go against her.

    She also use to think about the worst case escenario as the first option, like getting robed, mugged, killed, and is very distrustful. She also constantly think that people are conspiring to sabbotage her, including me.

    One time as a teenager I left my phone at home and my dad called me, thats how she discovered I was in contact with him. And she berated me and called me a traitor and said I wanted to ruin her by conspiring with him. Inward just trying to her some connection to my dad but she was having non of it.

    And also, if I was performing bad at university, must have been because I was doing drugs, because according to her “depression is for 12yos”.

    Also she has became more religious in recent years, specially after my grandma died. She was never atheist or agnostic, but certainly not religious. Now she prays before leaving the house. And says that things goes well because the “Animas” are protecting us (I have no fucking idea of what Animas are, but some Catholics here believe in that, I think is like souls of our ancestors or something).

  • Thanks, yes I was suspecting on BPD. Thinking about it is what would make more sense alongside the narcissism.

    Yes my sister is obsessed with appearances, so is our mom and so it was our gandma. She also defends my dad because, to her, he was a good stepfather. After she got into the US, she became the superficial white passing latina who can’t say anything bad about the US and everything back home must be terrible and horrible, and if we say things are going ok she takes it as a personal attack. idk if she might be narcissistic, we have almost nothing in common, so we don’t talk often.

  • Some music is made by and for lowlifes, where I live is Vallenato, Campesina, Rancheras, Bachata, and 90%of reggaeton.

    Lyrics about asking for forgiveness after cheating, smoking, domestic violent (being the one that does the domestic violence), admitting to spike drinks and brag about it, simping for drug Lords, and women are nothing but a sex object.

    The people who listen to that music is just as you imagine them. Uneducated, sexist, wife beaters, going around in huge SUVs blasting that music outloud with no respect for anyone around then, they are the ones who start blasting the music at 1AM on a Wednesday and doesn’t let anyone sleep in their entire neighborhood.

    People give me shit for this and claim is “culture” but I think there is such a thing as music for lowlifes.

  • I can believe the new CEO is surprised since he just stepped in (including the previous months of negotiations) but obviously there are things that Linus hasn’t told him. And since most of the important people at the company are Linus year long friends, they had covered each other up.

    And yeah, self harming to take a sick leave is fucked up, pretty sure denying sick leave to an employee in Canada is ilegal since there they actually give a shit about labour laws.

    • A YouTube channel named “Gamers Nexus” made a video criticisms about LTT hardware Review process.
    • Due to having the pressure to make videos as quickly as possible, the quality control of hardware reviews has suffered, even with the Lab they assembled for testing hardware and presenting detailed benchmarks.
    • A startup sent Linux a watercooling prototype to review, but they tried it on a video card it was not designed for, giving bad results.
    • Then the “sold” the prototype apparently without the full approval of the creators.
    • Linus was dismissive at first, but now the company has responded and said will take quality control more seriously.
    • Now an ex employee named Madison came out telling basically that there is a Guy Bros type culture on LTT, where they made inappropriate comments to her, affecting her mental health, overloading her with work because she had the “funny job” of social media managment, and even verbally abused her. Some instances can be considered sexual harassment.
    • The new CEO of LTT said he was “shocked” by these revelations and will hire an external investigator.