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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • One of the first things Biden did was open more concentration camps.

    uh huh. gassed millions I’m sure.

    American liberals are only marginally better than Republicans. And if you’re in one of those camps, they’re no better at all.

    mmm yeah tell me how all the women on the left don’t mean anything you sexist racist garbage. tell me how one party embracing actual minority participation is the real racism.

    quack quack quack quack the libs are almost as bad as the LITERAL FASCISTS.

    Get a sense of reality or get fucked.

  • so tired of people setting up strawman arguments so they can finally win a debate.

    meanwhile libs are voting for trans rights, voting for POC to actually represent them in the house and senate, voting for women who have brains (porter, warren, aoc) instead of tokens and bimbos. tyranny of majority? get fucked with that ignorant bullshit take. same as conservatives huh? same as the conservatives invading uteruses in Texas, Louisiana, trying it in Ohio and Michigan, oh yeah it’s the same when liberals FORCED THAT WOMAN IN TEXAS TO CARRY HER DEAD BABY, oh no, wait, that wasn’t liberals.

    what a stupid fucking take on the world.