- ole reliable
i was counting whatever red icon is at the bottom right as the fourth layer. i assumed that was a watermark for some place that it was posted.
what in the repost hell is this? that image shows at least four levels of reposting. dead dead internet :(
oh neat. bottom right corner for active who is looking, it says ‘star trek interactive vcr board game’. it has the face of a klingon on the box.
thank you!
thank you bulbasaur, appreciate your service
this is sick. well done. shame it’s plasticy- i have been intentionally not using anything with that texture because it all wears/weathers so terrribly- otherwise i might have to get some.
i think this is awesome! very efficient design and very well executed. hell yeah.
it really is such a shame what happened to the end of this series. how do you biff something that badly?
this is giving watership down vibes and i love it. cool focus depth trick with the blurry grass in front too.
i love these little dudes. something about them just screams ‚friend shaped‘. even their babies are adorable, and i have had the honor of bottle feeding a couple of them. 10/10 creatures.
welcome in! insert obligatory ‚dozens of us‘ meme here.
deleted by creator
what we did to snowden and manning was a damn shame. there is so much on the last two decades to be ashamed of. smh.
it‘s going to be a very long list, lol