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Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I’m no defender of AI and it just blatantly making up fake stories is ridiculous. However, in the long term, as long as it does eventually get better, I don’t see this period of low to no trust lasting.

    Remember how bad autocorrect was when it first rolled out? people would always be complaining about it and cracking jokes about how dumb it is. then it slowly got better and better and now for the most part, everyone just trusts their phones to fix any spelling mistakes they make, as long as it’s close enough.

  • Madison, the victim, told her story online and was met with the vitriolic, violent hatred you’d expect from a woman pointing out the misogyny of the internet’s favorite tech boy. She shared her story mostly to warn other women what to expect from working there as well as a step in her own healing process.

    She never wanted to sue them since they are much wealthier than her and she kind of just wanted to move past that part of her life. Linus Media Group isn’t going to sue her for defamation because even if they can win, as they claim (which I personally have my own doubts, but I’m an outside observer with no legal education), it’s still a very bad look.

    Since no parties are bringing litigation to a court, the litigation happens in the court of public opinion.

  • xanu@lemmy.worldtoCommunism@lemmy.mlProtestation
    1 month ago

    “the space rockets…are a US invention”

    what? genuinely, what are you claiming here? any interpretation I can come up with is just patently wrong. the USSR quite famously launched the first orbiting satellite with Sputnik. The German V-2 rocket was the first man made object to break the Karman line and be “in space”. Are you talking about multistage rockets with a communication satellite payload? because as the comment you’re replying to said, multistage rockets are a Soviet idea. are you just talking about Goddard’s liquid fuel systems? because sure, that’s an American invention, but it’s almost like modern rocketry can’t be attributed to one single person, country, or certainly not a single economic philosophy. saying space rockets are a solely US invention is so hilariously America-centric that it almost reads as satire.

    The USSR and China also pushed the envelope of modern medicine just as much as the US. The first artificial heart came from a Soviet doctor. several vaccines have been developed in other countries.

    I don’t subscribe to the “great man” theory. But, it is clear that men with big ideas have impacted the world. Should they benefit from their impact. Yes!

    lmao sure, you don’t subscribe to the great man theory, you just subscribe to the theory that throughout history, the most major leaps and bounds are solely because of a few great men with big ideas and those great men should be rewarded with unfathomable wealth and power.

    I find it funny you mention Steve Jobs and Elon Musk as “great men” who, without their ideas and inventions, the world would never have come up with smartphones or electric cars and reusable rockets. y’know two of the most famous examples of some rich, vaguely charismatic person taking the ideas of their employees and trying to convince the world they did it themselves.

    Where’s Wozniak’s reward? did he have no incentive to create the iPod? the profit incentive does not breed innovation, it breeds exploitation of innovation. the innovation will always be there as long as there are humans, problems, and materials to try new ideas.

    We have no better system

    We’ve tried this one thing while deliberately kneecapping and destroying any other thing, and we’re all out of ideas! this is truly the best system we can ever do and shouldn’t try to improve it in any way!

  • Listen to how a large portion (obviously not all) Israelis talk about Palestinians. They genuinely do not view them as humans and certainly do not value their lives. They speak of the ongoing genocide with gleeful anticipation. People will literally go to the border to taunt Palestinian parents who’ve lost their children or the orphans themselves.

    They’re not shooting a 4 year old kid, they’re simply shooting another “worthless” Palestinian. This way of thinking was and is specifically crafted to enable almost every genocide that has ever happened.

  • Your understanding of the distinction between personal and private property is simply flawed. Personal property is something that is owned by a single individual for their personal use, i.e. buying a house for you and your family to live in, while private property is something owned by either an individual or a corporation of people for the sole purpose of making money, i.e. buying a house that you never plan to live in for the sole purpose of renting it out to make more money.

    A corporation can own consumer goods and it be private property, like Walmarts warehouses of consumer goods, and an individual can own producer goods as their own personal property, like tools and raw materials in their workshop.

    The distinction is important because it boils down to intent and the inevitable consequences of that intent. Private property solely exists to make money, and therefore will put that goal above everything, leading to things like market manipulation, exploitation, and enforced scarcity. Trade is not capitalism, and capitalism isn’t “when people trade”.