Thinking of getting a fully automatic espresso maker. Seems like machines with 2 hoppers are double the price.
I’m just curious what are some solutions people came up with for switching between decaf and regular beans for a family that regularly brews both kinds?
Just measure how many beans the machine uses per serving, and have a small kitchen scale ready to weigh exactly the required amount before throwing it in. Let it run dry for a sec afterwards and stop if you want to make absolutely sure there’s nothing stuck in the chute.
Comes with the added bonus of being able to store the beans in the fridge instead of leaving them in the hopper for days at a time.
Sounds like a reasonable idea other than having to weigh beans adding extra time. Is this what you’re actually doing or just a theoretical suggestion?
Then pre-weigh them and put them into small containers so you can throw the portion directly into the machine