Do you think it’s purely hateful or do you think it has some merit in certain contexts?
Personally I think it is a transphobic and dehumanizing term that objectifies and sexualizes trans women based on our anatomy, that should never be used in any context, but I’d love to hear what other people think.
If people want to sexualize themselves or are okay being sexualized, sure, but in general, no.
I really don’t like it. That’s a term that I’ve only ever seen associated with porn and sexualization, and I’d prefer not to be sexualized or objectified. I agree with you that I find it dehumanizing, and I really don’t like being fetishized. I feel like anyone that would use that term for me is either a chaser or a transphobe, and I don’t want to interact with either. And that’s without getting into the whole Japanese culture talk, which revolves around traditionalism, heteronormalcy, and misogyny that makes it extra uncomfortable.
A disgusting dehumanizing term that views human beings as objects of sexual desire. I know the situation you’re describing. I really hope deals with that person, as they do not belong on a queer friendly instance like this one.
Make no mistake, coming into a trans community asking for “Futa girls” labels you as a highly suspected chaser. It will not lead to anything good. I have banned that shithead from ! permanently for it.
Thank you for the ping. I was only partially familiar with the term so I didn’t issue a ban on the original report. Now that I have educated myself on how that term is used and the objectification and sexualisation inherent in it, I’ve issued an instance ban.
You’re welcome, I’m glad I could be of help.
futa as in short for the Japanese term futanari?
Yes, that one.
Context: I had an interaction earlier on Egg_irl where someone asked if the “Futa girl” in my post could give them a hug.
It’s a HUGE red flag for someone to come into a trans focused community and start talking about “futa girls” when that wasn’t the topic. Definitely seems like the kind of language and mindset you get from porn consumption and not normal, non-sexualized interaction with trans people.
Wtf ? It feels like sexual harassment to me and I’m not even trans. I’m sorry for you
Tbh I love it, sometimes I feel like I identify with that label. but I’d also prefer that cis folks don’t call me that without my permission.
I personally don’t have a problem with it used in the context of hentai, to me it seems distinct from trans as a concept/character trait/genre/however you want to phrase it. That said, it’s gross if you use it to refer to a person. I honestly have the same opinion with the 4 letter t word. I know others are bothered a lot more by these terms than I am, so I don’t use them in public online spaces, especially trans oriented ones, but still use them when talking about porn with people in porn contexts in private or in hentai oriented spaces. Not that they ever really come up in public conversation on a way that would make it context appropriate, only really conversations like this.
Again, to be clear, using these terms not just addressing real people but using them in a context implying trans people are those things is disgusting.
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Personally, I see the obsession with the sexual side of manga/anime as unhealthy to say the least. It portrays unrealistic situations which some people view as a fact of life, especially younger folk who are inundated with it (see: memes). Throwing the transgender “futa” on top of it doesn’t help matters, and while it may seem “kawaii”, if you ever do experience anything they show, it’s an exception, not the norm.
I’m not cis but I’m not a trans woman.
That term seems a bit icky to me. It seems to originate as a porn category. Using it outside of the context of porn makes it seem like the focus on the woman is about what she is sexually rather than who she is.
I can’t really see a more charitable use of the term, besides someone reclaiming it for themselves. (Much like “queer” or the f slur for gay men.)
Like any term, highly dependent on context. The porn category / hentai connotation is pretty strong and I would feel really icky being called it out of the blue. But some friends of mine, mostly trans women, throw it around amongst ourselves and it can be amusing too. There is also the rare context, with a LOT of existing trust, where I do like the sexualized nature and view it as affirming. It’s not 100 percent appropriate or inappropriate in any context, but if you’re not sure probably don’t. Especially if you’re cis, pursuing someone, or on a public forum. It’s never a word ya need to use for someone.
So i never brought that term into a connection with trans women and it really doesn’t fit. It’s the Japanese term for hermaphrodite and is made up of the kanji for two and shape. Fairly sure to qualify as that you’d have to have two primary sexual organs.
I’d agree with people here that in the west it’s only a fetish term and quite disgusting to use on a person (intersex, trans or whatever) without their consent
I don’t want to be called that, or see or hear anyone else be referred to as that. It’s a very gross and single minded way to refer to another human being, because it’s just the boiling down of a person into a porn category, kind of like the T slur.
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Some people: I don’t like being called this
You: “How dare you”
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Idgaf unless someone calls me one or talks about it while hitting on me (yes I’ve had someone mention being into futa porn while hitting on me)
I think it’s cringe. Gooners need to log off.