Guy does the right thing and you call him an asshole for it.
He’s been spreading lies about vaccines for years, pushing anti-vax propaganda. Now that some poor child of an anti-vaxxer family has died, he’s suddenly pro-vax for just this one thing?
No fuck him. He’s an asshole.
That’s exactly how not to encourage people to be better.
Wouldn’t you like for him to be better? Or are you just more comfortable in a black and white world of, once bad always bad?I’m not the guy you’re replying to, but a broken clock being right twice a day doesn’t miraculously fix it. It’s still broken. Dude’s still an asshole, even if in this one moment he’s being ‘right’. He has already begun to dismantle the department he was appointed to as the head of. You’ll see next year, if we even get health and flu related death numbers anymore, what the impacts of his decisions, up to TODAY even, have brought.
Yeah, I mean people like to get into a position of power and foment vaccine hesitancy and we’re supposed to praise him?
Fuck him. I’ll praise him when he goes comes back fully. This ten steps back and one step forward bullshit? Fuck that.
Wouldn’t you like for him to be better?
I’d like him to admit he has no business personally advising anyone on the public policy of health matters, hire a capable person for the job and say “I will simply be following every directive of this competent person I hired on matters related to the national policy on health”. That would do it for me.
The man campaigned against measles vaccines in Samoa which was followed by a reduction of vaccinations and a measles outbreak.
Now he was promoting fucking vitamins to deal with it. I bet his wife told him to get it together as she did during Covid for whatever party they had where guests needed to be vaccinated. He’s an asshole.
Also, this:
As health secretary, Kennedy has also raised alarm for canceling meetings of influenza experts at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), issued a stop-work order on contracts meant to develop new vaccines, and is “re-evaluating” a $590m contract with the vaccine-maker Moderna to develop a bird flu vaccine.
This guy shouldn’t be anywhere NEAR the levers of power.
he also drove his previous wife to suicide i believe.
you need to read further, hes only issuing 2000 doses, which means very little. hes only half-assing it.
Youre the guy praising Hitler for building highways.
Ask all those Samoan kids if he’s an asshole, oh wait! You can’t! Cause he killed them.
And further he remained unrepentant for his role in murdering 83 Samoan children (most of which were babies). Instead deflecting blame onto the people of Samoa, saying it was because they were malnourished, or possibly because they had the audacity to get vaccinated during an epidemic that he had a direct role in causing (and thus the vaccines killed the unvaccinated children who died of measles, somehow)
He’s sending 2000 doses of the MMR vaccine to Texas.
Kennedy said his federal Department of Health and Human Services would send Texas 2,000 doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine – typically meant to be given to children in a series of two shots at 12 to 15 months old as well as between the ages of four and six years old – through its immunization program.
It’s a two-part series, so that’s enough for one thousand people to be properly vaccinated. That’s nothing. There are already about 160 identified cases. It’s extremely contagious. Measles has a reproduction number of about 15, meaning 1 person can infect 15 other people. Compare that to the WHO’s value of 1.4-2.4 for COVID.
Secondly, he stuck to his stance that “the decision to vaccinate is a personal one”, which is a nod and wink to antivaxxers to continue their denial.
He’s not doing this because he’s changed his stance. He’s still anti-vaxx. He’s just feeling some pressure to do something, so he is, but he’s dragging his feet and doing the minimum possible.
Secondly, he stuck to his stance that “the decision to vaccinate is a personal one”, which is a nod and wink to antivaxxers to continue their denial.
This. This could be the single most worst thing, ever. Even if he doesn’t work to attack vaccines with the power he has (and it looks like he IS doing that, given some of the other things he’s done).
By giving even 5-10% the notion that they are right to be vaccine denialists, he could destroy our herd immunity levels country-wide.
The right thing for him to do as the secretary of health and human services would be to resign, as he’s unqualified for the position.
Touting the effectiveness of vaccines was actually the bare minimum if you’re going to be the health advisor to the fucking president.
He helped cause this situation. Doing the [barest minimum you can even consider the] right thing after it’s too late doesn’t change the fact that he did the wrong thing for years before this. And will go right back to that wrong thing the moment he thinks he can get away with it
Do you know who this man is? He did the good thing once and only because he’s well aware he’s a fraud. 🤣
Here’s the “/s” you meant to use
It’s a good time to note that this is the vaccine the autism bullshit stems from. If he was genuine in his views, this is the one vaccine it would make sense for him to oppose.
Let’s assume for a second that the claims about the MMR vaccine had merit. It was specifically claimed that the cause was the addition of thimerosal as a preservative agent. Despite there being no evidence supporting this assertion, thimerosal was removed from nearly all vaccines decades ago. Which means that, if he was genuine in his beliefs, he shouldn’t have a problem with any of them anymore.
EDIT It appears the thimerosal claim wasn’t actually linked to MMR, as that vaccine never had it to begin with. My bad.
if he was genuine in his beliefs
I found the problem.
The MMR vaccine never contained thimerosal. There were two separate claims by antivaxxers. The first was Wakefield’s money making scheme to invent an alternative MMR vaccine by claiming the existing MMR vaccine caused autism.
The second, entirely separate, claim was that thimerosal in other vaccines was also causing autism.
The two claims then got conflated into a general ‘vaccines == bad’ by idiots like Kennedy, Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy and a whole quack industry of autism ‘cures’ such as chelation, HBOT etc.
Ah, looks like you’re correct, I guess I got the claims conflated myself.
Denialists are absolutely famous for moving the goalposts, though. That’s how they remain denialists.
Famous example is the evolution denialists always going on about a “missing link”. The minute some new transitional fossil is found then creates TWO MORE “missing links”.
The man has no moral center.
The bullshit stemmed from an investor of competing vaccines to the combined MMR. They were selling separate vaccines which were less popular so they wanted to take down the combined MMR to make money.
It’s all been collateral damage of unrepentant greed.
I mean sure, but would you prefer he stick to his views as children die, or do you want him to change his views and try to get MAGA crazies in TX to give their kids the measles vaccine?
I don’t typically point out that my opponent is a hypocrite if they’re doing the right thing for the right reasons.
He’s changing his tune on one vaccine. He’s still sabotaging everything else, including the flu shot for next year.
A decade of anti-vaccine rhetoric comes full circle—tragically, at the expense of children’s lives.
The “mainstream” antivax shit has been almost 2 decades at this point. Jenny McCarthy published her shit book and talked about it on Oprah in 2007.
This shit was effectively eliminated in 2000, but thanks to assholes like Bobby Brainworms, all that work of science was undone by a whole lotta anti-intellectual dipshits.
I guess he’s seeing the inside info now? What a fucking tool. He should go to Texas to show his support. Maybe kiss a few babies for good measure.
100% chance HE is vaccinated completely while pushing this shit
They always are. Even Mother Teresa, an ardent outspoken supporter of letting the poor and ill suffer to be closer to God sought the best Western medicine when she fell ill.
Bunch of frauds.
is this our timeline’s version of “there are no atheists in foxholes”?
No, because that saying is false.
what a hero
why not just call him anti-vaxxer cbs.
Same reason they talk about Elon Musk and Steve Bannon’s strange and mysterious extension of the right arm palm down at a 45 degree angle.
If RFK Jr. fails to control this, he will make Texas bluer and Trump will punish him for this serious mistake.
I don’t think it’ll turn blue, but they could lose a lot of voters to another virus
That’s fine. The Democrat plan is to normalize fascism.
“Both sides are the same” is ultimately true because both empower capitalism’s subjugation of democracy. Every time the GOP tugs right and the DNC meets them half way. The greatest accomplishment of the Democrats in the last 20 years is the ACA- designed by the heritage foundation but stripped of the greatest cost savings measures.
Wow. Actually doing something after a kid’s death. That’s a new one.
Could it be that he’s just stupid on paper?
Naaah, he’s an idiot in all mediums.
“I prayed on it and God told me to say something that goes against everything I’ve stated I believe in. So, yeah.”
Excellent news.
More. More!
Nothing for Texas they don’t deserve it.
Not everyone in Texas is a fucking loon. They’re just being ruled by loons like the rest of us.
There’s something about Texas specifically that make people hate them even more around here.