40kUSD is nothing compared to some STEM degrees - especially at the masters level. PhDs can often be funded and not cost the student though (only in lost time…and mental health…)
Social work. And it’s laughable considering that social workers and mental health professionals generally don’t make a lot of money. I have no regrets getting it, just wish it was cheaper.
The minimum wage should be multiplied for every additional level of Education you need. Like say if you need an Associates it’s 1.5 for a bachelor’s degree it’s 2.5 for a graduate degree it’s 3 times the base value which would apply to high school or less work only.
It would force employers to remove education requirements from jobs if they’re not worth paying for. The requirement wouldn’t be to hire the work or it would be to require the degree. You would enforce it by requiring employers to sign a document upon hiring that says upon penalty of perjury that they did not request a transcript or ask the employee about their education, and there would be sting operations to enforce it along with steep fines and jail sentences for corporate employees who lie on the form. Also perhaps universities from providing transcripts or degree verifications if they cannot verify the job is doing the paperwork right
yes, if the job wants a master’s degree a minimum wage of $50 seems fair. if they don’t need that they can lower the requirements and save money. price in the cost to society of demanding degrees and only those who truly need them will ask for them
I love what I do, and it’s definitely needed. I am sure more people would go into the field if education was cheaper. I am lucky to afford full loan payments because I have a partner with a decent income. Honestly don’t know what I’d do without him.
40k? In USD or in Warhammer? Cause that’s a shite ton of money for college.
What did you study btw?
Also, I am great full to live in a shit hole country right now given that bill
40kUSD is nothing compared to some STEM degrees - especially at the masters level. PhDs can often be funded and not cost the student though (only in lost time…and mental health…)
Social work. And it’s laughable considering that social workers and mental health professionals generally don’t make a lot of money. I have no regrets getting it, just wish it was cheaper.
The minimum wage should be multiplied for every additional level of Education you need. Like say if you need an Associates it’s 1.5 for a bachelor’s degree it’s 2.5 for a graduate degree it’s 3 times the base value which would apply to high school or less work only.
Wouldn’t that make a lot of them unemployable?
It would force employers to remove education requirements from jobs if they’re not worth paying for. The requirement wouldn’t be to hire the work or it would be to require the degree. You would enforce it by requiring employers to sign a document upon hiring that says upon penalty of perjury that they did not request a transcript or ask the employee about their education, and there would be sting operations to enforce it along with steep fines and jail sentences for corporate employees who lie on the form. Also perhaps universities from providing transcripts or degree verifications if they cannot verify the job is doing the paperwork right
Ahh so you are thinking minimum wage by job education requirements rather than what someone actually has? Makes a bit more sense
yes, if the job wants a master’s degree a minimum wage of $50 seems fair. if they don’t need that they can lower the requirements and save money. price in the cost to society of demanding degrees and only those who truly need them will ask for them
Not really, you need about triple the minimum wage to be comfortable in a lowish cost of living area.
Underappreciated work, but thank you so much for doing it and for involving yourself in further education, more so knowing the costs.
I love what I do, and it’s definitely needed. I am sure more people would go into the field if education was cheaper. I am lucky to afford full loan payments because I have a partner with a decent income. Honestly don’t know what I’d do without him.
For 40k you could’ve lived like a king AND pay for the masters degree in an eu university.