I suspect that since a quarter of my fellow co-workers got the pink slip a few weeks ago, tat I too will get one soon. I haven’t updated my resume in a while and would love if there was a self hosted LinkedIn alternative or something. Anyone got any idea if that’s a thing yet?
I’d say a fair idea is to host your own personal website with your resume, if you’re capable and/or want to learn. There are often examples you can base your portfolio on.
This is what i did. There are many static website generators that can help. I use Hugo which let’s me write in markdown, download themes (modify if i want), and it builds the site which can be hosted for free on codeberg/cloudflare/gitlab/github ‘pages’ feature. All support letting you use custom domain if you have one.
Plus, one could start for free; it doesn’t need to be yourusername [dot] com!
Hmm, now that makes me wonder if there’s such a thing as a FOSS web host—as open as one could be, anyway…
Codeberg pages comes to mind (for a simple personal site anyway)
I think the best you could do would be to install a FOSS OS, a FOSS web server, and use a FOSS page builder or content manager.