Many on the Latte Left facilitated this new era of fascist censorship. Remember when people didn’t care that folks who were accurately assessing the situation between Ukraine and Russia were targeted and silenced?

    1 year ago

    You lost me at “Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine.” You can just call it what it is… an invasion.

    And if you think “the left” in the US is so powerful that it could have made any kind of dent in the narratives surrounding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine I have to call bullshit.

    • When it comes to war, the two parties are always in agreement. There’s way too much Lockheed and friends money ensuring bombs are going to decimate foreign land for any other outcome. The two sides were in total agreement when deciding to start the Ukrainian coup in 2014. Pretty nuts how Russia gets blasted for their move, while the US overthrowing the government and installing a hand picked “president” is consistently glossed over, don’t you think?

    1 year ago

    It’s really hard to contain the snark in response to this screed. But, this is also a serious question: When you lump large numbers of people, each with their own beliefs, principles, and motivations, into a fictitious group you dub “the Latte Left,” isn’t shocking how they don’t all speak and act in a consistent manner?!

    That is, when criticizing and throwing accusations of perfidy, name names and bring receipts. None of this innuendo, and absolutely no passive voice. As far as I can tell, this author isn’t talking about any real person.

    • I understood it to be referencing how many moves are made with unanimous consent in the Senate and the House. The fact is in the states Bernie is considered a far left socialist by most, while in Europe he’d be considered center right. This being the case, the term “Latte Left” is an attempt to demonstrate there’s no actual left option in the US. Regardless of which party someone votes for, both are war hungry and willing to sell their votes.

        1 year ago

        I’m tired after a long day of work, so I may be missing something, but…

        If there’s no actual left in the U.S., then how can leftists be to blame for laying the groundwork for anything?

        • While in the big picture they are conservative, they still are referred to as the left in the US due to the other party being more conservative. Basically it’s conservative vs more conservative, but by classifying them as left provides the illusion of having liberal and conservative political options.