• Wanderer@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    The metrics they just for immigrants are intentionally misleading. They fill jobs that no one else will do because they work for less, that’s not a good thing that is bad for the locals as wages are suppressed. They say we need immigrants because we don’t have people with the skills to do that job, the reason people don’t have those skills is because we don’t invest in people and we don’t need to with immigrants. So locals now don’t get the higher trained job because it’s cheaper to give it to someone else. Population is going down so things like houses will get cheaper but that bad for government numbers so immigrant get brought in to keep house prices high. That’s bad for locals.

    Immigration is good for GDP yes. But the everday person get less jobs, less training less pay and then has to pay more for rent. Who gives a shit about GDP is disposable income goes down?

    Then there is a lot non financial issues also. But they are more subjective and people want to talk about then even less, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important.

      • Wanderer@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        That’s not it at all.

        I love travelling and I love going to see other cultures. But I also love my own country and I love how other countries are also their own.

        The question is what do you want for your country. Do you care more about big business, increasing GDP growth, lower wages for more competitive industry? Or do you want that’s best for the people of that country. I care more about the people.

        Immigrations isn’t and hasn’t been good for the UK. If you actually travel if you actually move around the country or move around other countries it becomes blindly apparent there are some really unfortunate truths about immigration. I don’t want a Muslim influence in cities I’ve live in, that’s not my culture, I am atheist anyway so I don’t like anything like that. And I have done that. Lived in places where people look at your like you don’t belong because you are white. But if other people want to have that culture they can feel free, but why should I be happy about them coming to my country and changing things about my country that isn’t my country? That’s not to say I’m against immigration but the reason is why? We need to talk clearly about the type of immigration that is good and they type that is bad. Similar cultures like the EU with the back and forth good. Third world immigration where wages are kept low, population increasing and isolated communities that don’t integrate? Not good.

        I got nothing against these people I wish them all the best. But I think we should be making a better country for the people, they should work on the same. We haven’t got to set ourselves on fire to keep others warm.

        • Pup Biru@aussie.zone
          6 months ago

          i care about people… countries are a construct that we created, and often we use them as a bludgeon to make ourselves feel superior

          you’re not superior to an eastern european fleeing russian aggression

          you’re not superior to a mexican fleeing gang violence

          you’re not superior to an african fleeing civil war

          you’re not superior to a palestinian fleeing bombing

          these people are all people. the fact that you live in a country where you do is luck; not superiority

          heck, immigrants are what FORM local culture… without infusions of new ideas, culture stagnates

          mexican immigration brought us tex mex; italian immigration brought us pizza… there are countless examples of how immigration has formed the local culture of a country. in the colonial world, outside of europe, we are entirely built from the culture of immigrants


          Lived in places where people look at your like you don’t belong because you are white. But if other people want to have that culture they can feel free, but why should I be happy about them coming to my country and changing things about my country that isn’t my country?

          that’s basically replacement theory right there, which is just plain horrific

          • Wanderer@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            I didn’t say I was superior.

            Of course countries are constructed. By people with shared views and common goals. Countries have been formed over a long period of time with a lot of struggle.

            It’s not luck that I live in my country. I was born from my parents, there was no chance I could have been born elsewhere. I came into a country hard won by my ancestors, some fought and some died making my country what it is. So don’t shit on their legacy. They worked hard for a better country for me to live in. Show some respect.

            Immigrants don’t form countries, the countries were always there. Sure if you think America is the world you might believe that. But short of thinking America is the whole world that is obviously not true.

            that’s basically replacement theory right there, which is just plain horrific

            What? Lol. What are you actually saying here? Because it sounds like you are saying areas that were previously entirely white now still are? Like you don’t accept that non white people live in areas where whites used to live?

            That’s a new level of woke if you believe that. That’s arguing with basic census statistics.