• stevestevesteve@lemmy.world
    7 months ago
    • ranked choice voting - ok I think we can agree here
    • Mandatory voting - how? Currently voting is handled state by state, you want to make the federal government take that over? What would the punishment be for not voting? Frankly I disagree with this
    • Universal vote by mail - even more how? Again, federal takeover of voting process? How do you ensure no votes are lost especially when someone will be punished for not voting?
    • Voting day national holiday - definitely agree.
    • Legalize marijuana - this takes a lot more than just saying “marijuana is legal now.” Are previous marijuana related convictions going to be overturned, if so how? Are marijuana sales going to be regulated? If so how?
    • Legalize prostitution - similar questions as with marijuana
    • Revert citizens United - certainly agree here but that’s a big fuckin how? It was explicitly the supreme court overruling a law passed by Congress. Amend the Constitution to say something explicit?
    • Abolish corporate home ownership - very strange stuff here because you start touching on the above, too. Maybe more you’re looking to cancel corporate personhood but that comes with a huge amount of problems too
    • Abolish electoral college - sure why not if you’ve solved the voting issues above
    • Abolish gerrymandering - this is what made me make this response in the first place. You can’t just say “abolish gerrymandering” without some plan for it. That’s like saying “abolish borders” like it’s meaningful. How? Who decides what districts look like? Will there still be districts? If not how will representation be determined?
    • Abolish filibuster - I think the filibuster is fine. If everything else on this list goes through, hopefully we have meaningful ways of ousting useless obstructionist politicians instead
    • Merge Senate into house - why? What does this solve?
    • Remove house rep cap - FUCKING agreed. The cap is unconstitutional and absurd
    • Universal healthcare - lots of hows here too but Obamacare was a good start and I’m down with single payer
    • Universal basic income - how much? Does it count toward the 50k below?
    • Income up to $50k untaxed - fine. I also think any monetary amount in the legislature should be increased by the CPI automatically every year. Fines, limits, payouts, etc.
    • Ban tax prep - hmm ok
    • IRS files taxes for citizens - how does this work? Is tax code flattened to make it so citizens have no choices to make? Do things like tax credits for buying solar panels go away?
    • Vat for luxury items - who decides what’s luxury?
    • Supreme Court 15 year limit - disagree, the whole point of lifetime terms is to prevent getting what’s yours and getting out.
    • Increase highest bracket tax - sure why not
    • Collateral for loan is realized gain - expand?
    • Abolish PACs and lobbying
    • Politicians banned from stocks - so they can’t own shares of any companies? Or they just can’t trade while in office? Does this go for any elected official? More than just elected officials?
    • Municipalize Internet - at a minimum declare it a utility. What’s the rest of the plan?
    • Abortion constitutional right - I’d argue it already is one, though the supreme Court evidently isn’t in agreement. An explicit “bodily autonomy” amendment would be nice. Add a right to privacy to that too, expanding on the 4th.
    • Ban tipping - idk if I agree with trying to codify what should be a cultural change, but I’m generally on board with the Idea. There’s a million loopholes to close in any language to this effect
    • free financial education - just like… Government funded seminars? Mandated high school courses? What do you take out to fit this in?