There are Christians and Muslims who denounce mysticism as being dangerous while there have also been Christian and Muslim mystics. Transformatsiya is a fictional religion created from the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and was formed through mysticism and contact with the spiritual being Tanisha who revealed previous religious teachings to the early followers. Part of the religious teachings include how to safely understand the influence of the spirit world.

Under the religious Zakon Law, mysticism and occult rituals are restricted to sanctioned mystics because ignorant exploration of the spirit world is incredibly dangerous and is likely to lead to demonic possession or influence.

Unsanctioned mysticism is punished by mandatory intervention from social workers of the PKVD, court order to see a psychiatrist who is a sanctioned mystic, or in extreme cases confinement to a mental hospital where they would receive spiritual guidance.

All the prophets up to Tanisha (who is a spirit) are considered mystics who received divine revelations from God or his messengers through the spirit world.

    6 months ago

    Well, as lapsed Catholic who still likes Catholic aesthetics, organization and some elements of its philosophy, I introduced into my world religion which is basically antitheistic version of the Catholicism. Clerics are doing may things priests and monks were doing in real-life - teaching children (useful things), fighting superstitions (every one, not only competition), officiating ceremonies, curing diseases, keeping libraries and records. But thius religion utterly and absolutely abhors any spirituality - and if there is evidencen of existence of the spiritual world, the worse, because spirit is enemy of true (material) life. Concept is that there is no higher being than human, so worshipping anything not human - gods, angels, demons, nature, fate, whatever - is heresy. There is no god figure, there are “saints” which are not mystics or ascetics, but scientists, explorers, statesmen etc - they are considered role models, but praying to them (or anyone/anything) is superstition aka heresy.