• masquenox@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    as it is unrealistic to have a referendum for every single decision

    Oh, there was no decision here… Germany has been supporting Israel’s ongoing genocide for a very, very long time now. Enabling Israel’s white supremacist genocide is no less a matter of policy in Germany than it is in the US - and none of you will ever get to vote on it, just like USians don’t get to vote on it in any way, shape or form.

    Let us be very clear… knowingly enabling genocide is no different than perpetrating genocide oneself - and Germany endorsing Israel in their genocidal project makes it blatantly clear that Germany is as fundamentally white supremacist and imperialist today as Germany was when it perpetrated it’s first genocide in Namibia. It doesn’t matter that the people signing the papers are wearing overpriced designer-label suits instead of grey uniforms, and it doesn’t matter that the politicians are flashing liberal pretend-smiles for the cameras instead of throwing fascist tantrums from a podium. It’s all the exact same white supremacism still at work.

    There have been multiple demonstrations against Israel’s actions

    Yeah… I saw. And the fascist goon squads were there, too - to perform their true function and ensure that actual democracy doesn’t threaten the precious status quo while it’s hard at work enabling genocide.

    lot of people who think that Palestine should be blown up.

    Isn’t it an amazing coincidence that the biggest parties in every (so-called) “liberal democracy” are almost always regurgitating the exact same narratives that rich people themselves want regurgitated?

    It’s almost like… actual democracy isn’t compatible with a society where a small, rich elite gets to dictate what everybody believes, eh?

    Also one question, are you actually from Germany

    No. I’m from South Africa… if you must know.