• Melvin_Ferd@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Anything paying for ads shouldn’t be worth it. We should be hostile to any advertising as stealing from us. They don’t pay us to take our free time yet tell me anytime of your day where you are not experiencing some type of advertising.

    I gotta go to work 1/3 my day. 1/3 I’m sleeping. 1/3 I get to myself except that 1/3 for me is taken up by lunches, kids sports, prepping for tomorrow’s 1/3 work day. So of that 1/3 maybe I get a few hours to relax and enjoy something. So I sit down to the streaming service I cut cable for and and still get chunks of that time giving to company’s Hawking me stuff I don’t need wasting my free time. It gets worse when you think how much-needed of our day is being in front of some type of ads. Radio, TV, bus stops, magazines, going to kids hockey games, browsing the internet, watching movies. Even viral videos often are just paid commercials made to circumvent ad regulations and laws and to not pay websites for server time and big fixes.

    It is insidious. We have been corralled into something we don’t even know we’re in. Like cows that don’t realize are in a pasture. It all seems innocent like “I’ll just ignore that thing I don’t like” but deep down that thing is affecting every part of the society we are in and it’s a root cause for most of what we complain about today.