• Blazingtransfem98@discuss.online
    16 hours ago

    I was called a freak by my mother and father who told me I would never be a woman, that I’m a man pretending to be a woman. That I was destroying my body by doing HRT. Average shit from right-wing parents. And they wonder why I don’t talk to them anymore. Maybe your daughter hates you because you refuse to accept her, and repeatedly deadname and misgender her whenever she called you.

    Yeah that was most definitely my worst birthday, so glad I cut those dipshits out of my life.

  • punkaccountant@lemm.ee
    1 day ago

    My cat died.

    He had been acting funny for a little while (week or so). Not moving much, growling when you pressed his belly. I was a young teen and my mom didn’t have a lot of money and basically hoped to ignore it away.

    Turns out he had some sort of bladder blockage and it burst the evening of my birthday. He died in awful pain while I could only watch helpless (mom worked nights and wasn’t there). I tried to comfort him but he ended up biting my finger, I still have a scar some 30 years later.

    RIP Eclipse. You deserved so much better.

  • superkret@feddit.org
    2 days ago

    I invited 20 people for my 40th birthday.
    3 showed up.
    My wife ate too much dough while she baked weed brownies and fell asleep right before the guests arrived.

    So me and my best friends sat around the table and ate a bag of chips, I was the only one to drink alcohol, no one touched the huge amount of food I made, and from upstairs we could hear my wife snoring.

    • arefx@lemmy.ml
      18 hours ago

      Did you share this story on lemmy before I swear I read it before. I just don’t have birthday parties for this reason… also I don’t even know 20 people to invite.

  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    When my SO bought me a present for my fortieth birthday that was something I would never use and clearly was for him (a rare bottle of bourbon), but he pretended it was a shared interest of ours. I don’t hate bourbon or anything but I very seldom drink any, maybe once a year, and I have yet to drink any from that bottle. It was wildly selfish.

    Then when I turned 49 I got up that morning, and he asked me snarkily if I would be pretending if I was 39 for the rest of my life as some sort of hilarious joke about vanity. I am not vain at all and I don’t care how old I am, I loved my forties and have enjoyed my fifties so far.

  • ivanafterall@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    My ex finally admitted she’d been carrying on a relationship on the side, in case it didn’t work out with me (her reasoning). She admitted it’d been much more than she claimed, she’d even met his parents, etc. After confessing, she started self-harming (hitting herself in face repeatedly for awhile) in front of me. I called 911, very quickly realizing I might be in that scene from Fear/It’s Always Sunny and that this could go very, very badly for me.

    Police showed up (~4:00 AM), shining flashlights into windows, waking up my Mormon landlords upstairs.

    Thankfully, she sent the police away without incident/my involvement, then left shortly thereafter. She texted around 10 AM that she’d bought me a massage as a birthday gift, which was timely and welcome. She never showed her face again until I ran into her at a birthday party maybe 6-9 months later. Next I heard, she had shaved her head and moved to Indonesia.

    Those are the main highlights, anyway.

  • Drunemeton@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I met a guy online, and we arranged to meet up for our 1st date. It went well, and during it we exchanged birthdates. Mine was the next week, so he said he’s take me out for my birthday!

    The day arrives, we meet up at the same place, and after my inquiry he says we’re to a New Mexican restaurant for dinner, then to a Country & Western bar a few blocks away for some dancing. Well All RIGHT! (I did tell him I didn’t know how/hadn’t been before, but was willing to give it a go.)

    At the end of dinner he asks the waiter for separate checks. I look puzzled, and he asks why. “Well, it’s a little unusual to be taken out for your birthday and have to split the check…”

    “Oh, I forgot it’s your birthday. I don’t have enough money to cover this.” So I end up paying for my meal.

    Tip: If this happens to you end that date immediately! I don’t, so we continue the date and go dancing.

    Turns out he doesn’t like line dancing, and doesn’t lead, so he won’t line dance with me trying to learn to line dance. We have one regular dance together, which he ends mid-song, because I’m not leading right.

    For the rest of the ‘date’ I get to sit there, buying my own drinks, watching him dance with others, and having drinks bought for him by those others.

    I went home alone after a few miserable hours…

  • Maggoty@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    So there I was, sitting on an ammo can, in Iraq. I actually didn’t know it was that day until we had to write down a record of rounds expended.

  • JoeKrogan@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    On my birthday this year my friend died, a few year ago same date my dog died and a few years before that my grandfather died again same date.

    I dont like my Birthday and try to be greatful for the people in my life each day and each year.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
    2 days ago

    Assaulted and held hostage for a week in my own apartment, causing me serious injuries and eventual homelessness.