From “Keith” in the comments, “You bought a Cyber truck because you wanted attention. You’re getting attention. What’s your beef?”
Couldn’t agree more
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I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.
a female
Yeah, sounds like a Cyber truck owner
It seems like there’s a correlation between people that refer to women as “females” and people that don’t treat women well.
It’s almost like using a term typically reserved for livestock betrays that you see women as below you.
Nah, don’t lump farmers and such into this, please. Cows and bulls, hens and roosters, nannys and billys, sows and boars. There are also words for modified gender/castration similar to agender: steer, stoat, gelding, bellwether.
Depending on the situation it can be fun to ask, “A female what?” Try to get them to say human.
I’m almost sad I’ll never be able to point and laugh at one. The Cybertruck is so badly built, it’ll never be allowed on European roads.
That’s a big reason I shake my head at them when I see one. Brescia that are an affront to the collective safety of the rest of us.
I cycle (though at this point I try to stay off busy roads and on divided lanes), and the thought of a collision with one of these is terrifying.
I shake my head at jacked up bro dozers the same way. They all scream insecurity.
Like, even ignoring Musk’s whole everything now, it’s just one of the ugliest vehicles ever designed. Regular Teslas at least look okay if you ignore Musk himself, but the cybertruck looks like they just took a particularly untalented 1st grader’s drawing of a vehicle and just went “Make that”
And that alone would be enough, but add to that the fact that they cost about 100 grand a piece, and yet they are essentially held together with bubblegum and shoestring. Bro, you paid a year’s worth of salary for the average middle class person to drive around an ugly, falling-apart piece of shit created by a fascist. Yeah. We’re gonna point and laugh at your dumb ass.
$100k is about the average household income in the US, the average single income is about $67k. So about a year and a half of the average wage. And median income is much lower (median household income is about $44k) indicating that high income households have a much larger effect on the average than low income households so the average middle class individual income should also be much lower than the average individual income.
$100k is about the average household income in the US, the average single income is about $67k
Not on Lemmy
Exactly, the stainless steel “exoskeleton” is glued to plastic and pieces are coming unglued while driving. The towing thing is attached to a cast aluminum frame and multiple people have had it break while towing. It’s a terrible car, and most owners are insufferable people.
There was this great meme going around years ago when the truck was announced that had a crayon drawing of it and “by Elon” written shakily in big letters like a child would use. I’ll see if I can find a link.
Edit: it’s on the shitty website we all left, but: