TLDR? Is this another “all CPU chips are CIA sponsored, gotta homebrew your own motherboard to be safe”
Waiting for its ios port. Otherwise, sticking with Firefox Focus
The alternative is putting up “do you want free training on operating a small bulldozer?” signs everywhere, hiring the humans who show up, and laying down underground cable or telephone poles everywhere. Fuck, just slap a “national defense” reason for why there needs to be internet everywhere for military communications.
Starlink outshines in latency vs undersea cables. Small drones use small radios, bigger drones can use bigger military satellites. Just build out communication to rural areas already. Integrate comm lines into road maintenance crews.
Don’t forget the champagne
Would there be any issue with abuse?
Not more so than the current anti-abuse methods blahaj already uses. A valid e-mail address, a short paragraph explaining why you want to join the server.
Registration can also be limited to actual IP address.
Maybe users that login with Tor would require special approval for their account before being able to post?
Locking until your comment score gets high enough and being 30 days old? Or one post/comment a week for the first month?
I saw an unfiltered dark web internet comic and it turned me gay.
If you just end up going off titty skittles for a couple months, you’re probably fine.
Want to emphasize this part. T levels take a long time to rise. (citation needed, not a doctor)
Per https://old.reddit.com/user/onnake Sat Feb 22 16:20:17 2025 UTC
NPR missed an important point that Trump, in his quest for ever-greater power, is once again ignoring a judicial ruling:
“In another case, Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a preliminary ruling blocking the three plaintiffs’ transfer to a men’s facility, saying they had ‘straightforwardly demonstrated that irreparable harm will follow.’”
“While the transfers likely would not be seen as directly flouting the judge’s order, David Super, a Georgetown law professor, said they would clearly violate the spirit of Judge Lamberth’s ruling that such a transfer would most likely violate the Constitution’s ban on ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’
“‘Historically, administrations do not do things that an active court order declares unlawful,’ he said.”
NY Times: https://archive.is/6XGIo
What are you talking about? The seal has always faced left. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States
Ah fuck. This one is going to hit a kind person I know.
I wanted more expanse style stories, and I got another expanse style story. The novella “Livesuit” was also good.
deleted by creator
Extracted a paragraph from the “preview” by academic paywall:
INTRODUCTION EXCERPT ATTACHED. In 1865, the British rulers of north India resolved to bring about the gradual ‘extinction’ of transgender Hijras. This book, the first in-depth history of the Hijra community, illuminates the colonial and postcolonial governance of gender and sexuality and the production of colonial knowledge. From the 1850s, colonial officials and middle class Indians increasingly expressed moral outrage at Hijras’ feminine gender expression, sexuality, bodies and public performances. To the British, Hijras were an ungovernable population that posed a danger to colonial rule. In 1871, the colonial government passed a law that criminalised Hijras, with the explicit aim of causing Hijras’ ‘extermination’. But Hijras evaded police, kept on the move, broke the law and kept their cultural traditions alive. Based on extensive archival work in India and the UK, Jessica Hinchy argues that Hijras were criminalised not simply because of imported British norms, but due to a complex set of local factors, including elite Indian attitudes.
By royal decree, the children of maintenance workers are to travel in the rear of the aircraft. /s
What’s wrong with girl bosses?
He’s a loser until he finds the hard drive and secures his descendants entry into the aristocracy.
Nvm, still a loser.
They also put little effort into this strategy (if this even was their strategy). Weeks until mods kit was released. No tutorials on how to make easy POIs so less technical creative people could start adding stories etc. Going for the attitude of “we barely thought about mod support for skyrim and it worked out”.
Take this opportunity to prune your Microsoft data and inject false information. Become a trans man liberal vegan who thinks Trump is great for privacy. Algorithm does need good data after all.
Deletion is probably not necessary. People change all the time, let the computer think you changed into something else.