• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Thinking of Jewish people as “other” and “separate” is a precondition to discrimination.

    Jewish identity has been formed because of the discimitation and segregation they have been subjected to. Their aspirations to have their own safe environment is a reaction to that. Antisemitism predates Zionism.

  • nichtsowichtig@feddit.detoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOof
    2 months ago

    “The idea that the jewish people deserve self determination after suffering from millenia of discrimiation and going through the most industrious genocide in history feels anti-semitic to me.”

    yeah, an absolutely wild take. You’re not helping Palestinians by denying the jewish people’s right for self-determination.

  • This is something that annoys me a lot to be honest. Obviously, there are racist, colonialist vegans. It is a structural problem of western societies, and vegans aren’t unaffected by that. Bringing it up and talking about these issues is important, but especially from non-vegans, it is often insinuated that these problems are somehow particular to vegans.

    It is a huge distortion of the narrative. It is not the vegans asking indigenous people to stop eating meat, it is white people saying “ohh what about the indigenous” and use legitimate and important indigenous issues as an excuse to continue to consume animals and animal products.

    This is what I keep seeing in leftist anti-vegan arguments. You take any of the social issues (racism, ableism, sexism, whatever) and use them to legitimize veganism as a movement. And this is rarely done because of sincere concern of these issues, it is nothing but a shell to try to make their opinions appear ethical. It feels hollow.

    Beyond that, the intersection of carnism and colonialism is striking. The animals we eat, the rainforests that are burned down for animal feed, the environment we destroy through animal agriculture - that is an extension of colonialism. And now when Anti-colonialists are for some reason way more outspoken about veganism than they are about carnism, then they are pretty inconsistent in their own anti-colonial beliefs.