The dutch have different problems rn and the spaniards i belief given up on their dreams of a spanish ruled sea.
(Fun fact that i just HAVE TO tell. I got to see the original battle plan maps from the spanish armadas battle against the english near Portsmouth, in the Portsmouth Naval Museum in 2023. They take them out to display under special light only every 50 or 80 or so decades the historian there told me. It was soo cool!!! And i had a real big autism hyperfocus with adhd hyperactive moment!!! To think i almost didnt go there if my boyfriend didnt take me!)
Ah sorry i didnt take a picture of them. But they were in the building where its all about Admiral Nelson. In the last room. I’ll ask my boyfrirnd if they took any pictures
Update: no they reminded me that it was forbiden to take any pictures at all of them
Buuut i have found this nice vehicle that we saw in Portsmouth
Litterly up close. Only a glass panel seperated us.
I’ll look threw the pics i took if i maybe took one. It was forbiden to take with light. And it wasnt very bright in the room
I own a bullet from the 17th-18th century and well being in a roman city, you cant build anything or dig anywhere without first giving archeologists the front run at digging.
Britain needs to ramp up their navy again! BRITANIA RULE THE WAVES ONCE MORE!
Wake up the Dutch and Spanish too
It’s time Portugal to rise once more
Oh no, we were too loud and woke up Belgium too. Quick Congo, run and hide!
Made me laugh
Leopold is back?!
Reborn as the Rwandan president, Paul “I don’t know if my army is currently seizing Goma or not” Kagame.
The dutch have different problems rn and the spaniards i belief given up on their dreams of a spanish ruled sea.
(Fun fact that i just HAVE TO tell. I got to see the original battle plan maps from the spanish armadas battle against the english near Portsmouth, in the Portsmouth Naval Museum in 2023. They take them out to display under special light only every 50 or 80 or so decades the historian there told me. It was soo cool!!! And i had a real big autism hyperfocus with adhd hyperactive moment!!! To think i almost didnt go there if my boyfriend didnt take me!)
How close could you get? Was there a smell?
Ah sorry i didnt take a picture of them. But they were in the building where its all about Admiral Nelson. In the last room. I’ll ask my boyfrirnd if they took any pictures
Update: no they reminded me that it was forbiden to take any pictures at all of them Buuut i have found this nice vehicle that we saw in Portsmouth
Litterly up close. Only a glass panel seperated us. I’ll look threw the pics i took if i maybe took one. It was forbiden to take with light. And it wasnt very bright in the room
The closest I ever got to something that old was a contemporary copy of the US Declaration of Independence; that’s brand new compared to what you saw.
I own a bullet from the 17th-18th century and well being in a roman city, you cant build anything or dig anywhere without first giving archeologists the front run at digging.