Dude, fuck that spoon
It’s a fork in my case. How dare it have a wide handle that feels weird.
I wonder if there’s like one type of spoon everyone hates or different types for different people. If it’s the latter, we need a spoon swap. No talking to each other. Just spoons and swap.
I have all black cutlery and when those are being washed and I need to use the… silver cutlery, I feel gross.
LOL :')
I have an immediate and irrational negative reaction to the idea of black cutlery. It’s supposed to be silver. Instead of getting over it or introspecting, I’m just gonna call you names. You bumpkin. Fucking black silverware!?! You’re the problem!
But… but… it matches my decor! :(
we have ~50-50% smaller spoons and bigger spoons. I only use the smaller spoons and nobody else cares enough to have an opinion about them
That looks like one of the spoons I may or may not have taken from the college cafeteria.
I only have good spoons. ✨
Oh I have very good, and very specific reasons for hating that spoon
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Or those skinny forks. Give me a real fork, dammit.
The amount of times I have to go back to fetch a new fork just because the one someone else brought for me is “wrong” somehow.
It has been bent so many times that the shaft isn’t a smooth curve anymore.
I hate that one.
Sounds like a review on Grinder
I hate that spoon too
Happy to see i’m not the only one with this issue.
Well, I can’t use it because it’s mismatched but I also can’t throw away a perfectly good spoon.
Gift it ! That’s what I’ve done with all the silverware I didn’t like !
“I guess I’ll just use a fork and accept that it’s going to be inefficient and leaky”
“Mah spoon is toooo big!”
looks at a normal sized spoon at a restaurant
What on Earth are they thinking? Do they seriously expect me to use this big ass spoon?