I hope this isn’t out of context, also I don’t want to “own the libs” or something here, I’m actually interested.

  • grayman@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    You exemplify #5 and are apparently a boot licker since you support gun control. Probably red flag laws too! Disgusting!

    If you understood this basic math you speak of, you’d know that literally no govt ever lays down arms next to it’s citizens. Gun control is control of the populace. Nothing less. How can you say with a straight face that you support only the govt having firearms when the last 100 years have shown humanity what happens when govt has too much power. Every country that has taken away firearms has had not a decrease in violence but am increase! Are you aware that home invasions are higher after confiscation? Other violence too, but let’s just consider the horror of having armed invaders in your castle, raping and hurting your family.

    I am no troll. I am an absolutist. As recently ruled, illegal immigrants have the same inalienable rights as a citizen to the entirety of the bill of rights. The felon that has served his time and deemed safe to release into society absolutely gains all his rights upon release.

    You claim we - who is we? The liberal (in the true sense of the word) gun owner? - keep killing each other. Who is killing whom? The gangs and the criminals. So you DEMAND that the innocent be disarmed? How stupid! How can you claim logic and reason yet make such a statement! Only a fool argues that sheep remove their teeth when the wolf bites!

    And feminism is anti liberal (again, the true sense of the word). Feminism is the worship and the belief of superiority of one sex over another. How bigoted and ignorant. Feminism destroys the family unit, peaceful society, and is antithetical to biological predispositions that allow man and woman live in peace and happiness with one another. I can already see your pathetic response that women deserve equal rights to men. Please tell me this: What right does a man have today that a woman does not?

    If I am a troll, it is because I mistook this sub for one where gun rights are respected. I see that some believe this is the place to complain about guns, not support them. How sad and pathetic.

    I wish you no harm. Only that you are cleansed of this brainwashed set of ideals that do nothing to support the ideal that all men (and women - as I’m sure you don’t understand English grammar enough to know that means both sexes) are allowed to defend themselves any way necessary to preserve their life and liberty.

    • It’s a sub for people who are interested in guns, whether they own them or not. What it isn’t is a crack-job 2A extremist circle-jerk. Plenty of folks here support the 2nd amendment. Some, like me, think it’s an anachronism from a time when a civilian uprising had a snowball’s chance in hell against our modern military. Hell, you don’t have a chance against our paramilitarized police force, much less any branch of our armed forces. But, still, the amendment is there, and we have to work with that, and the consequences of “militias” trying to kidnap or assasinate elected officials. Which I’m sure is what the founding fathers intended when they added that amendment 🙄