If they were interested in my location they could request location data. What are the odds they are doing this to directly market products to people based on health data?
Inb4 “They already do that based on what you regularly purchase”
Of course, yes they do. This appears to be one more layer on top of it. And surely they wouldn’t share that information with the pharmacy, right?
but can you go online and make a shopping list and it will route you through the store? some stores tried that but it was too efficient for the customer
Well, not exactly. There’s no GPS equivalent to my knowledge. However, you can get an aisle and even bay number for a product from the website and use that to manually navigate to exactly the area you need. If I know what item I want in advance, I never spend more than a few minutes shopping in a Home Depot (and I think Lowe’s does the same) as opposed to other shops with less efficient guidance.
It does seem very efficient, but could certainly be better.