• Dasus@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      You acting that childish ā€” proudly ā€” is honestly making me sad in real life.

      The implication of the first comment of this thread is that there are ā€œboth sidesā€ to this. There arenā€™t. Who exactly is saying ā€œPalestine is committing a genocide on Israelis?ā€

      Trying to pretend both sides are in any way ā€œas badā€ is exactly the type of shitty propaganda Israel keeps pushing. The same type of rhetoric the Nazis used. Itā€™s so fucking ironic that Jewish people are now committing the heinous crimes they were the victims of 100 years ago.

      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        4 days ago

        The implication of the first comment of this thread is that there are ā€œboth sidesā€ to this. There arenā€™t. Who exactly is saying ā€œPalestine is committing a genocide on Israelis?ā€

        what an incredibly naive and basic take on a geo political (historical) conflict that is still ongoing.

        If weā€™re going to analyze this from a clinical perspective, as would be implied by ā€œboth sidesā€ we need to consider the actions of both sides, independently to each other. In a manner that is unrelated. This is the only way to truly ā€œboth sidesā€ something.

        Looking at it in any other capacity is entirely irresponsible and disingenuous at best.

        Only a literal child considers both sides exclusively in the capacity of ā€œgenocideā€ in this case. This is like saying that the US won the space race because we got to the moon and back, with people. Even though the USSR did literally everything else before the US did.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          2 days ago

          Only a literal child considers both sides exclusively in the capacity of ā€œgenocideā€ in this case. This is like saying that the US won the space race because we got to the moon and back, with people. Even though the USSR did literally everything else before the US did.

          Even a lot of literal children realise that trying to equate Israel and Palestine as being equally guilty here is not like comparing the US space program to the Sovietā€™s. Itā€™s more like comparing the US space program to the Ghanan space program.

          You just canā€™t accept any fault on Israelā€™s part, because youā€™re a pathetic genocide denier, denying rape and slaughter of children.

          UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

          The report holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the ongoing catastrophic situation in Gaza. But it also alludes to the possibility that October 7 is a watershed moment for even harsher Israeli occupation unless international law is urgently implemented.

          Israel is sanctioned for committing ā€œcrimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment.ā€

          In clear and deliberate violation of international law, Israel intended to commit these crimes: to murder civilians en masse, inflict wide-scale civilian destruction, and collectively punish and dehumanize Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians were murdered. They didnā€™t die as collateral damage or as unintended victims of Israeli military operations, but as Israelā€™s deliberate targets.

          There the truth goes, being objective again. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            2 days ago

            Even a lot of literal children realise that trying to equate Israel and Palestine as being equally guilty here is not like comparing the US space program to the Sovietā€™s. Itā€™s more like comparing the US space program to the Ghanan space program.

            iā€™m not equating them.

            You just canā€™t accept any fault on Israelā€™s part,

            i have, numerous times. Youā€™re just lying through your teeth here.

            i like how the section you block quote doesnt even once mention the word ā€œgenocideā€ in it. Youā€™re still pulling it out of your ass.

            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              1 day ago

              i have, numerous times. Youā€™re just lying through your teeth here.

              Iā€™m still on the edge of whether youā€™re incredibly stupid or actually that bad at lying.

              So you admit that Israel is undeniably indiscriminately bombing civilians, like all the reports show? And you wonā€™t start rambling and equivocating with the exact garbage that Israel tries to deny these accusations with?

              UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

              >The report holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the ongoing catastrophic situation in Gaza. But it also alludes to the possibility that October 7 is a watershed moment for even harsher Israeli occupation unless international law is urgently implemented.
              >Israel is sanctioned for committing ā€œcrimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment.ā€
              >In clear and deliberate violation of international law, Israel intended to commit these crimes: to murder civilians en masse, inflict wide-scale civilian destruction, and collectively punish and dehumanize Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians were murdered. They didnā€™t die as collateral damage or as unintended victims of Israeli military operations, but as Israelā€™s deliberate targets.

              So if youā€™re not disavowing that, you understand and agree that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity. But you donā€™t, so youā€™ll continue with some other pathetic grade-school level attempt at saying youā€™re not saying what youā€™re saying.

              • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                17 hours ago

                Iā€™m still on the edge of whether youā€™re incredibly stupid or actually that bad at lying.

                go read through my posts, youā€™ll find the shit iā€™m talking about.

                So you admit that Israel is undeniably indiscriminately bombing civilians, like all the reports show? And you wonā€™t start rambling and equivocating with the exact garbage that Israel tries to deny these accusations with?

                ignoring the fact that youā€™re treating your point like the ultimate source of authority (yet another fallacy, i donā€™t even know what it is, but this is almost definitely a fallacy lmao)

                And ignoring your rather loaded definitions and statements here which is obviously an intentional tactic of yours, whether you realize it or not.

                Statistically, israel is bombing, and likewise, killing considerable amounts of civilians throughout the period of this conflict. Whether or not this is definable as ā€œindiscriminateā€ killing is debatable, because that makes it sound like theyā€™re sending bombs into fucking public libraries in america or something.

                However, funny story, this is the middle east, and weā€™re engaging in extreme urban guerilla warfare tactics here. There is simply no way to counter these without substantial loss of life, or putting your military force at considerable risk. You might just argue that you should send personnel into the urban environments to directly counter them, but this is basically going to be a suicide mission. The only trivial ways to counter these are going to be infantry vehicles, or tanks, and bombing. Thatā€™s it.

                And no, iā€™m not rambling, this is a conflict that has well over 50 years of history, close to 70 in the modern era. Arguably going all the way back to the very founding of religion itself. There is no ā€œsimpleā€ answer here.

                UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

                nice source btw, literally states that hamas has committed multiple war crimes LUL. fascinatingly the block text chunk youā€™re quoting doesnā€™t seem to exist. That or ctrl f is shitting itself.

                interestingly enough you say it finds them guilty, but again, not a single mention of guilty within the report itself. The report does mention, at least a few times, that israel has committed war crimes, but amusingly it mentions hamas quite a bit as well. Curious that you arenā€™t talking about the ā€œhamas genocideā€ on jewish people (or israeli citizens, but that wouldnā€™t be a conflation now would it?) during the time of this conflict.

                you understand and agree that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity.

                i donā€™t quite believe this statement, again youā€™re doing the funny weaselly wording. I believe that israel has committed war crimes, like hamas, but i donā€™t believe, and i donā€™t know of any corroborating evidence that demonstrates that Israel is legally guilty and charged of committing war crimes. But again, that wouldnā€™t suit your narrative, and it undermines your statement, so youā€™ll continue using incorrect wording and statements to try and adhere to your framework huh?

                I donā€™t know if youā€™re genuinely trying to conflate ā€œisrael is legally guilty and charged of comitting war crimesā€ with ā€œisrael has committed war crimesā€ in order to later conflate it with ā€œisrael is committing genocideā€ in an effort to ā€œconvertā€ me, but by that point youā€™ll have deconstructed your argument thrice, and it will have so little remaining value that it wonā€™t matter.

                • Dasus@lemmy.world
                  3 hours ago
                  you understand and agree that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity.

                  i donā€™t quite believe this statement,

                  Oh youā€™re denying that Israel is guilty of anything, just alleged to have been doing naughty things? Iā€™m shocked. Yeah, thatā€™s exactly the point of this whole thread. Youā€™re a pathetic defender of crimes against humanity because youā€™re too much of a pussy to take the stand you know is the moral one, because you have relationships with people whom youā€™re not brave enough to disagree with.

                  go read through my posts, youā€™ll find the shit iā€™m talking about.

                  Thereā€™s not enough money in this world for me to go and read the brainfarts of a person like you.

        • Dasus@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          So angry at me and sore at losing the argument that instead of just replying with your usual garbage, you replied to three different comments of mine; one on a completely different post (so you got so mad you started stalking my profile, hahahah), then this one, and lastly in the actual thread itself.

          Just a proudly American fool whoā€™s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

          https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/2024-05/240520-panel-report-eng.pdf https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses

          Oh, right, sorry, I just remembered youā€™re proudly ignorant and probably your literacy matches that attitude, so somethingā€¦ more to your level:






          People like you disgust me, but as I donā€™t want to be as shit of a person as you, I actually reply in good faith. People like you just tie yourself in knots.

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 days ago

            So angry at me and sore at losing the argument that instead of just replying with your usual garbage, you replied to three different comments of mine; one on a completely different post (so you got so mad you started stalking my profile, hahahah), then this one, and lastly in the actual thread itself.

            if weā€™re being factually accurate here, it should be four no? You left two comments in reply to one comment i made that i split into two separate ones due to word limit. And then i responded to this one, and another one about harry potter, and possibly a fifth one, though iā€™d have to go check it to be sure.

            Just a proudly American fool whoā€™s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

            demonstrate it.

            nice copy pasta btw, try harder. Youā€™re clearly tired from being wrong so often.

            • Dasus@lemmy.world
              3 days ago

              Just a proudly American fool whoā€™s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

              https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/2024-05/240520-panel-report-eng.pdf https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses

              Oh, right, sorry, I just remembered youā€™re proudly ignorant and probably your literacy matches that attitude, so somethingā€¦ more to your level:







              Get a grip. You get you panties in a row when someone points out what a scumbag fascist state Israel is, and the warcrimes they commit.

              Ofc I copy the piece of comment I wrote because youā€™re so desperate not to address those links, as your brainwashing just wonā€™t allow you to.

              • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                2 days ago

                whoā€™s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

                ah yes, 1000 USD to anyone who can find an example of this (this post is not legally binding)

                scumbag fascist state Israel

                israel is literally democratic. Fascism, is a fucking dictatorship bro. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel#Government_and_politics

                Ofc I copy the piece of comment I wrote because youā€™re so desperate not to address those links, as your brainwashing just wonā€™t allow you to.

                itā€™s not the written material that i have a problem with, itā€™s fine, youā€™re the fucking problem because you keep mischaracterizing and completely ignoring what it says. Itā€™s not my fault youā€™re stupid.

                You keep acting like iā€™m disavowing what the material says (strawman btw) and then ignoring what i saw about what youā€™ve written, which is completely fucking asinine.

                • Dasus@lemmy.world
                  1 day ago

                  ā€œIsrael is literally democraticā€

                  North Korea claims the same.

                  ā€œIā€™m reiterating that I canā€™t address any of the proof of Israel massacring children, torturing and raping people, because Iā€™d make my dad angry. But despite me denying the torture, rape, child massacre, forced transfer, etc, Iā€™m actually not denying any reality at all.ā€

                  Okay buddy.

                  So you donā€™t think Israel massacres children or rapes and tortures people?

                  You wonā€™t be able to take a side, on anything. Because you know youā€™re on the wrong side.

                  iā€™m disavowing what the material says

                  You do. You canā€™t engage with it, because you know what the truth of the situation is. You know that I have dozens of links to UN high office reports and the only thing you can actually answer with is ā€œb-b-b-b-b-but Hamas!ā€

                  Have you heard about ā€œwhataboutismā€?

                  If youā€™re not disavowing any of it, then reiterate what they say, so we know that you agree. You wonā€™t though, because youā€™re a genocide denier and actually admitting any of those criteria of genocide is just something youā€™re not capable of doing. Utterly brainwashed.

                  • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                    17 hours ago

                    North Korea claims the same.

                    this is actually not true, like at all.

                    Theyā€™re called the ā€œdemocratic peoples republic of koreaā€ Likewise, the ā€œPRCā€ is ā€œpeoples republic of chinaā€ which is, closer to being true, but not true.

                    Israel is called ā€œisraelā€ hmmm. Yeah no this one doesnā€™t follow. If weā€™re arguing semantic technicalities here, yeah sure itā€™s a republic, and not a democratic system, but thatā€™s just a democratic system with one extra step

                    ā€œIā€™m reiterating that I canā€™t address any of the proof of Israel massacring children, torturing and raping people, because Iā€™d make my dad angry. But despite me denying the torture, rape, child massacre, forced transfer, etc, Iā€™m actually not denying any reality at all.ā€

                    hmm, funny, i dont remember saying that, point me to where i said that specifically?

                    So you donā€™t think Israel massacres children or rapes and tortures people?

                    bro literally every country in the world does this, even by fucking proxy. Serial killers live everywhere

                    Even fucking japan. Just look back at ww2 history and see what they were up to at the time.

                    You wonā€™t be able to take a side, on anything.

                    you really shouldnā€™t take a side on anything. Taking a side on everything is a sign of weakness and societal conformance.

                    . You do. You canā€™t engage with it, because you know what the truth of the situation is. You know that I have dozens of links to UN high office reports and the only thing you can actually answer with is ā€œb-b-b-b-b-but Hamas!ā€

                    I donā€™t and cool mischaracterization of my quote btw. Very slimy. Again, i have nothing to say regarding the material, because itā€™s all fucking legal paperwork, none of which says much of anything regarding substance in relation to the conflict here. I have yet to find a single fucking case, of anything youā€™ve linked directly corroborating what youā€™ve said.

                    You say something, and then link a block quote as a source, and it doesnā€™t even fucking backup what youā€™re saying.

                    Have you heard about ā€œwhataboutismā€?

                    my friend from the city under water. You have literally accused me of denying genocide, and derided me from the very first fucking comment i made. With every fucking comment youā€™ve said you started with ā€œyou genocide defending fucks make me sick to my stomachā€

                    Some commentators have defended the usage of whataboutism and tu quoque in certain contexts. Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair, and behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be appropriate in a given geopolitical neighborhood.

                    Accusing an interlocutor of whataboutism can also in itself be manipulative and serve the motive of discrediting, as critical talking points can be used selectively and purposefully even as the starting point of the conversation


                    I would not suggest such a thing were it not for the Whatabouts. These are the people who answer every condemnation of the Provisional I.R.A. with an argument to prove the greater immorality of the ā€œenemyā€, and therefore the justice of the Provisionalsā€™ cause: ā€œWhat about Bloody Sunday, internment, torture, force-feeding, army intimidation?ā€. Every call to stop is answered in the same way: ā€œWhat about the Treaty of Limerick; the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921; Lenadoon?ā€. Neither is the Church immune: ā€œThe Catholic Church has never supported the national cause. What about Papal sanction for the Norman invasion; condemnation of the Fenians by Moriarty; Parnell?ā€

                    oh no, even the relevant quote literally supports what i fucking say. I have not once said that hamas is worse than israel, or that israel is worse than hamas.

                    In 1978, Australian journalist Michael Bernard wrote a column in The Age applying the term whataboutism to the Soviet Unionā€™s tactics of deflecting any criticism of its human rights abuses. Merriam-Webster details that ā€œthe association of whataboutism with the Soviet Union began during the Cold War. As the regimes of [Joseph] Stalin and his successors were criticized by the West for human rights atrocities, the Soviet propaganda machine would be ready with a comeback alleging atrocities of equal reprehensibility for which the West was guilty.ā€

                    oh no, yet another proper example of a whataboutism.

                    then reiterate what they say

                    i already have, they say that there is reasonable grounds for israel to have been, or to commit genocide. Likewise, there is supporting evidence of ā€œwar crimesā€ being committed.

                    You wonā€™t though, because youā€™re a genocide denier and actually admitting any of those criteria of genocide is just something youā€™re not capable of doing. Utterly brainwashed.

                    oops you did the thing you werent supposed to.