I trammed the part in at my work, probed it and it cleared. Then it went to probe another section but the rotation was off. No big deal, happens a lot, you just clear the program, set the origin to the correct position and probe it.
This POS machine then failed the original tram 3 times and threw a G61 error before it even touched the part. Re-tram it, comes in nicely, set the first drilling to go and the MFer threw a Carron alarm after I checked and double checked the connection.
GAH, I’m tired and hungry and it just wants to push my buttons today, I can feel it lmao
I trammed the part in at my work, probed it and it cleared. Then it went to probe another section but the rotation was off. No big deal, happens a lot, you just clear the program, set the origin to the correct position and probe it.
This POS machine then failed the original tram 3 times and threw a G61 error before it even touched the part. Re-tram it, comes in nicely, set the first drilling to go and the MFer threw a Carron alarm after I checked and double checked the connection.
GAH, I’m tired and hungry and it just wants to push my buttons today, I can feel it lmao