Surprised no one’s brought up Futurama yet.
Unpopular Opinion: The endless reboots killed it for me.
My entire counterargument is the fast fashion episode. That one was brilliant.
Yup. Just the original series for me
I dont see them as endless reboots i see them as repeated assaination attempts.
This is a good analysis of the shows life cycle where its pretty clear the show was fucked over repeatedly by the networks hosting it and its just refused to die. A case of when fans love something by execs dont.
I was just about to comment Futurama! Really not sure what to think of the newer episodes though…
To me it’s like seeing an old friend from younger years. You’ve both changed so things are different from the good ol’ days, but it’s still enjoyable to spend time with them.
Still better than most new adult animated shows
I think the last two seasons were very much hit or miss. Some really good eps but also some really awful ones.
I felt the same way about the Hulu episodes until Quids Game, which I just straight-up hated, at first. No real connection to the larger premise, just torture porn in the form of weird aliens playing with/killing off the familiar characters.
Later, it hit me: The episode is a meta-commentary on the Hulu seasons. The “quids” are self-insert characters for the writers, poking fun at themselves. They aren’t doing a coherent storyline with this reboot, they’re just playing with familiar characters in different scenarios, and wringing out a few new jokes in a way that they couldn’t do with the established canon. In a way, it’s Futurama fanfic by Futurama writers.
From that perspective, I’ve found the reboot a lot more enjoyable. The good parts are a bonus, and the duds are forgettable.
The Fox era was great. But the Comedy Central and Hulu seasons are subpar.
Arrested Development has such intricate humor that it takes multiple passes to absorb it all. For some jokes, the punchline for the set-up doesn’t come until some episodes—or even seasons—later. Just the first three seasons, though. Season 4 & 5 were made years later and aren’t the same.
+1 for arrested development. Took me until season 3 to realize the next episode previews were fake
Red Dwarf
Monty Pythons Flying Circus
IT Crowd
Mr. Robot
“It’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere” is stuck in my head forever.
…and the jumping off a plane, riding on a crocodile, killing a nazi scene.
I love that show, saw it plenty of times from start to finish…
“It’s the last thing they’ll be expecting - a daylight charge over the minefield.”
Craig Charles
Arrested Development, Always Sunny, and Archer for me. Always reliable when you just want half an hour of laughs. Although I do then tend to get drawn into yet another full rewatch.
Oh man, I haven’t rewatched Archer is ages. Now I need to
Also, Disenchanted
Stargate sg1
Hmm as a gen Z do I rewatch stargate or try mash?
Good question : sadly it’s flip a coin and watch one… Sorry you’ll have to burn the other one
Watch Mash.
Yes it will have some very cringe aspects you will have to get over.
But i still think it’s the best show ever produced and it is often just as relevant any time you watch it or rewatch it.
The reason is they really dealt with some very difficult issues in surprisingly well done ways.
I could go on for a long time but i do really do think this show has everything.
It’s comedy and then it fucking hits you right in the feels with no mercy
And the character development from many, though not all, is great.
But if you do watch it pay attention to the tone difference between them in the operating room and outside of it.
The show runners managed to get some concessions about when and where to use the laugh track and iirc they almost never have laugh track in the operating room.
Characters change and the show is set up that it just makes sense that the 4077 would be different at different times.
Hawkeye Pierce as lower ranked officer being the Chief Surgeon is proven many many times over in the show in spite of other characters that outrank him.
Another reason to watch it is to check out the sheer number of cameos, >!from pat morita, patrick swayze, leslie nielson and many more!<
Its a real cinephile experience seeing some actors before they got famous (though I’m not sure how obvious those cameos will be to too many people anymore)
And yes I’m incredibly biased as this is my favorite show of all time
My favorite show of all time as well, OP, if you see this, do yourself a favor and watch the entire show without the laugh track.
Additionally, The Ranch from netflix hit very similarly in how they mixed comedy and then shit getting real very quickly.
I’m not unhappy they removed the actor from the show, but it’s too recent for me to be able to recommend it given the problems with him. Rather unfortunate
At least for me:
Dr. Who (First through Fifth Doctor mostly)
Original Star Trek
Star Trek: TNG
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: DS9
I really wish I was even a little bit British so I could watch Dr Who. But it’s unwatchable to me. Even the two very attractive sidekicks can’t keep me interested.
It’s definitely something that you have to grow up with. I was lucky to have an uncle who was obsessed with The Fourth Doctor when I was a child, and my love of the show comes from that. I wish some of the older stuff could be redone: it’s unwatchable for many because it was made for an audience who had tiny black and white TVs and a great deal more patience.
Having it on your whole life is definitely something that I imagine contributes to enjoying it. I love the idea, and some of the lore is pretty cool.
If you like the lore but watching it makes you want to stab your eyes out, look into the Target novelisations. They are mostly faithful to what was on the TV, and you get to use your imagination instead of BBC’s production values. They were usually written by the same person who wrote the script. I actually prefer the novels for several stories and was really, really disappointed when I finally had a chance to see them. A big bonus is the Target books are pretty cheap and easy to find used.
That’s an interesting idea. Thank you
Of course! I hope you find a way to enjoy Who. It is a lovely universe. The other idea would be to look into Big Finish audio—they do a lot of interesting Who stuff.
Bob’s Burgers
I like how every single character is incredibly weird in at least one way, but their weirdness is usually a source of joy and hardly ever used as the butt of a joke.
Star Trek, the next generation and Star Trek deep space nine. Star Trek Voyager is pretty rewatchable too.
I’ve definitely re-watched old Adult Swim stuff. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021 in particular. (I need to include Harvey Birdman Attorney At Law in that mix)
Don’t sleep on Home Movies
12oz Mouse!
The Wire.
Gets better every time I watch it.
King of the Hill
- Friends
- Golden Simpsons Era
- Futurama
- Star Trek TNG/Voyager
- X-files
I have a hard time watching any sitcoms. I can do one watch through but then I feel like I know all the joeks already, which is weird, because that is not an issue with me for futurama for example. Have to agree about TNG
Futurama is my comfort show. The wet humor gets me everytime
This is my go-to. I have the old DVDs ripped onto my Plex server so that I can hit shuffle on all the old seasons and just watch episodes at random.
“Gravity Falls”! Great to watch with the kids, too. (: