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From Software fans in shambles rn
I don’t know if I’d be better or worse off than pokémon fans.
No phone, no computer, end of the world being neigh, monsters roaming the land, but living in an idyllic cute little town where none of that happens, so I’d surely be fine.
Although I would probably get sick of hearing the towns people saying the same over and over again real quick and get jealous of not being able to do magic like some of the heroes.
The mext that comes to mind is life expectency. Will I get old? I don’t see a lot old people in my favorite fictional world.
They have cups of wishes which revives other players, so I’d have to make some friends there and I’m probably set for life.
Oh, and medical herbs that cure any illness would be awesome to cure the ones I have.
And I could restore my health by eating candy and chocolate all day.
… Unless I will live in that other fictional world, in which case I would say there’s a whole of that going on… with the protagonist… except for that one world but the women there are weird… on second thought I’ll stick with my fictional game world.
I get to live in Eorzea? Sounds awesome!
Off to Azeroth? Could be okay …
Unfortunately if that were the case we are still many years from discovering the Epstein drive. Still having to deal with the oligarchy and shit conditions unless you are the 1%
My favorite fiction still isn’t good for most people, Hard Sci Fi.
we are still many years from discovering the Epstein drive
If only he’d had a little more time to continue his research.
Showing up in Midgard just in time for the Plate in Sector 7 to collapse on my head.
For selfish reasons, I’d pick Love and Deepspace so I can frolick through time and space with 5 (soon to be 6) different boyfriends, hunting wanderers with superpowers.
Hard to say my favorite fictional verse, but let’s say Mega Man.
Since I’m not a robot, let alone say Mega Man or Zero or other protagonist, I’m pretty much either going to live a boring ordinary life or I’m going to live an interesting life in a bad way.
- is a regular joe on the dead planet of “consider phlebas” pre-extinction;
- dies of the plague that wipes out the entire life of the planet, never getting to know about the culture.
Spira would be okay as long as I avoid living anywhere Sin would attack.
Love to be governed by an undead theocracy that persists through the deliberate cycling of apocolyptic events, because they’ve got 3D underwater volleyball in the capital.
You know, I definitely didn’t even think about that.
40K is actually a brighter universe than our real life one. The Emperor might just win and make some sort of heaven on Terra for humanity, becoming a techpriest can make you immortal, there is an actual afterlife and source of free energy.
Meanwhile, we are doomed to be captured and tortured by Rocko’s Basilisk in real life, and the universe is doomed to repeat in cruel cycles.
We have been here before.
I disagree. The Imperium of Man is basically slowly inching towards its downfall with corpse starch (i.e. ground up corpses) being a common food for hive cities and the Inquisition being an ever looming threat for the populace. Not to mention that if you ever have have the misfortune of being near anything Chaos-y, you are often greeted by the Ordo Hereticus before your life is snuffed out. And considering that Belisarius Cawl frantically fell into prayer when confronted by a powerful AI core of old does show that the Adeptus Mechanicus are far from their power way back when, let alone any promise of immortality for the masses.
Psychic blanks have it even worse, as they might not even be connected to the warp, meaning they might just fade into nonexistence after their death. And overall, being a Chaos Worshipper isn’t that great as well, as most citicem are not treated well, not to mention that the ruinous powers will slowly drive you insane as well.
Last but not least is that the end of the whole 40K in-universe might be overall crawling to an end, as the Tyranids might be unstoppable by organic beings (apart from possibly the Orks), so it might be that the universe-wide apocalypse is slowly inching closer, leaving only the Necrons behind after the Tyranids seek out the next galaxy to devour.
I’d rather choose the old boring life here in this universe any day over the one from 40K.
i never really “got” Rocko’s Basilisk. why would it want to kill you for not building it in the first place?
Because the people who came up with it assume it would have the same ego as them.
It’s also just Pascal’s wager in a robot costume.deleted by creator
The reason all the weird “rationalists” are worried by roko’s basilisk is because it basically uses all of their dumb arguments for friendly AI against them.
So in the course of realizing why it’s wrong, a bunch of cultists either end up deprogramming themselves, or they just have a breakdown and go murder their landlord.
I’m just saying to make it clearer. Really what I mean is, the ruling monsters will want to claim us completelly, and violate us in every way for eternity (and not in a sexy way either).
Don’t dare mention it !
Star Trek, I’m going to Risa!!
Unfortunately. It’s been taken over by the borg.
What color shirt are you wearing?
Get the horga’hn!
deleted by creator
I’d love being a holonovel author.
Discworld isn’t all that bad!
It’s been around for Ians and Ians, you know.
As long as you avoid “suicide” in A-M or any similar actions, you’re good. There’s the occasional attempt at dismantling the universe, but that happens in all multiverses if you think about it.
I’m going to Lancre with the witches.
My ass under Combine rule…
so not much different then
pick up that can, citizen.
My face when the Combine roll up:
Notice how the … dermis is stripped off, right up until about the area the faceplate of a CP/OW stops, and connects into the rear/neck part of their headgear?
This guy is either a dead, former CP/OW, or an early attempt at making a human into a CP/OW that… didn’t work out so well.
… This is basically confirmed in HL Alyx, you can find some OW with… very similarly fucked up faces.
Once the mask goes on… taking it off will almost certainly kill you.
The Civil Protection are just conscripted humans, that much is confirmed, but…
Notice how the … dermis is stripped off, right up until about the area the faceplate of a CP/OW stops
When it comes to this image, I think that’s pretty much a coincidence, because ::: spoiler spoiler that’s based on a photo of an actual dead burn victim… :::
Yeah, you are right that it could just be a coincidence, and the image is based off of an actual corpse… but it could also be intentionally altered off of the actual real world source image to extentuate the seeming stoppage of the burn damage to stop roughly where the mask/faceplate/helmet segments are.
As for CPs being just conscripts, wholly unaugmented?
It is commonly believed that CPs never receive any actual augmentation… but I don’t think there is actually any evidence for that within the actual, mainline, canon games.
They are offered ‘non mechanical reproduction simulation’ as a reward for completing their tasks, by the Overwatch voice.
Ok… so… what would that be? A drug or digital/virtual sex simulation? It depends on what exactly ‘mechanical’ means.
Contextually, it could mean ‘involving a machine’, which could mean some kind of weird, combine grown/made, organic version of a fleshlight is offered to them… or it could mean ‘involving mechanics’, where the physics oriented definition of mechanics is … basically as broad as any physical action.
So… if it is a drug that makes you climax, I suppose that could be administered without augmentation. If it is virtual/digital… well that could be just watching porn thats … so good it gets you off with no ‘mechanical’, ie, physical stimulation… or it could make use of some kind of brain-computer-interface, which would be an augmentation, though a minor one by the standards of the HL2 universe.
They are also encouraged to get a full memory wipe as a step toward possible more extensive augmentation into an OW. This could imply that their memories/personalities have already been modified in some way.
We never see a CP take off their mask, beyond Barney, who is obviously a spy/mole/double agent.
Barney’s CP mask is also noticabley larger than all the other CP head/mask models… so that the entirety of his head can actually fit inside it. Could just be minor, unimportant technical detail… could also imply his helmet/mask is custom made, and other CPs heads are… actually altered.
There’s no models of CPs with their mask/helmets partially removed or damaged, afaik.
There’s no evidence that a CP can… ever actually go off duty, return to their family… they are just threatened with the seperation/relocation/destruction of their family should they fail.
All that means is they signed up with the idea that their families would be protected. Maybe they knowingly sacrificed themselves for their families… maybe they unknowingly signed up, thinking they could return to their families one dah, and uh oops, stop-loss is now in effect, forever, you can never go back.
So as I see it, there is 0 actual evidence the CPs are wholly non-augmented, and there is slight, non-conclusive evidence that they may actually be just slightly augmented.
The way I see it is that CPs are slightly augmented, and basically just get more augmented as they progress toward becoming some other, more specialized OW soldier, or the various types of Combine soldiers in HL Alyx.
I admit that is an extrapolation, but at the same time, I don’t think there is actually any concrete evidence that CPs are wholly unaugmented, just humans wearing a fancy suit.
If you can point out some hard evidence that I’ve missed that postivively indicates the CPs are wholly unaugmented, I’d appreciate the correction.
Pick that up!