“But there are so many rich people in America!”
Yes, and they got they way by designing the absolute most efficient system in the world for extracting all the money from everyone else.
Empirically it would seem that India is the most popular choice, followed very closely by China.
Amusingly, I think those are two of the places with a high percentage of belief in reincarnation.
Briefly making me reevaluate my belief system 🤔
USA is a popular choice for obvious reasons
Really? For USians I guess. Otherwise I question the popularity and cannot think of any obvious reason.
This guy read the fine print.
My thoughts exactly. After much of the middle east, it’d be in my top 5 ‘no thanks’ list
Makes me think of Original Position / veil of ignorance
The original position (OP), often referred to as the veil of ignorance, is a thought experiment often associated with the works of American philosopher John Rawls. In the original position, one is asked to consider which principles they would select for the basic structure of society, but they must select as if they had no knowledge ahead of time what position they would end up having in that society. This choice is made from behind a “veil of ignorance”, which prevents them from knowing their ethnicity, social status, gender, and (crucially in Rawls’s formulation) their or anyone else’s ideas of how to lead a good life. Ideally, this would force participants to select principles impartially and rationally.
This is the kind of interesting stuff I want to see more of - thank you!
Thanks, I’d like to end up somewhere that isn’t like playing fucking Russian Roulette. I’ll take one of those Nordic countries where everyone’s got enough, they pay teachers like doctors, and people actually care about science.
Also, be sure to fully specify the location—one time I just put “Athens” and ended up in Athens, Georgia.
I didn’t know you could choose where to reincarnate.
You didn’t get to pick? Sorry bro, that means you beat off too much in a past life. Just slow down a little, too much of a good thing isn’t always good for you.
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Depends heavily on where you are in the USA and who you’re reincarnated as.
If you like gambling, I guess. Either way halfway through it the whole place turns upside down.
If one understands gambling odds, being reincarnated in the US is a horrible bet.
Yeah, gamblers, famous for their understanding of odds.