• Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    3 months ago



    I start in a couple of weeks. Oh my fucking god.

    Thank you everyone for all the support and listening to me whinge the last 6 months. It’s really, really appreciated ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Ok, on further investigation, he managed to break into my spare room. He slashed up my bike seat, stole my MacBook, slashed a poster, destroyed a 3D Printer I got as a gift, and destroyed a resin 3D printer I also got as a gift. I’m going to call the police, but I want to wait for the locksmith to come let me into my spare room first because that’s where I kept most of my valuables

    • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I’m really fucking sorry for what’s happened mate. I really am.

      What an absolute piece of fucking shit.

      This is also on the people running the house. Speak to your worker about being reimbursed for what’s been destroyed.

      It’s their responsibility to provide a safe place for you and your stuff.

      Don’t let them off the hook.

      And I would be demanding someone stay at the house with you for the next few weeks at minimum. Your safety is their responsibility.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Thanks gibsy, I appreciate it. Already in the process of doing all that. Apparently my org is trying to put the responsibility for my stuff onto child protection and their placement coordination unit for moving him in, since they said he wasn’t a good match. I don’t really give a shit who pays for it, as long as somebody does and in a reasonable timeframe. But tbh, my org has the ability to refuse referrals, the pathetic sponge of a man running the show was just too scared to say “no” to PCU and accepted the referral anyway.

        I told them I don’t feel comfortable here on my own, they’ve said they’ll ask for supports. But I’m going to raise hell if they refuse. Completely agree with what you’ve written - they’ve screwed up not just once, but about a dozen times in a row. They’ve had so many opportunities to prevent this, but they kept making bad decision after bad decision and now I’m paying for it.

        • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
          3 months ago

          Good on you for standing up for yourself!

          From everything you’ve written since I’ve been here, these people are happy to abdicate responsibility at the drop of a hat. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and considering everything that’s happened ie: you having to live in a hotel, what this moron has done to your stuff and the house, it’s a very reasonable request to not only have everything replaced, but to have either a couple of workers, or in the least they could hire a security guard of some description.

          I haven’t been through what you have, but I know how shitty government beuracracy can treat you when you’re young. How your needs can be ignored repeatedly.

          They don’t get to get away with the incompetence that has led to these circumstances. Fuck all that.

          That aside, I have to say, if I was in your shoes, at your age, I wouldn’t be handling this half as well as you are. I really mean that.

          Good on you for keeping a level head and being systematic in how you’re going to resolve this!

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I marked it as lost and sent a pin code. I don’t think you can report MacBooks as stolen to apple, but you can to the police who I think then contacted apple. It hasn’t been connected to the internet since I last used it, so the lock doesn’t help much if it’s already been wiped

    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I’m so sorry. What an awful thing to happen. I don’t know why people are like that. Do they feel good to trash someone stuff? Why??? Hopefully police will be helpful. Even if they aren’t, you’ll be doing the right thing to report it.

    • danwritesbooks@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Bloody hell. This is a nightmare. I hope it gets sorted for you quickly and they get the help they clearly need (and leave you alone)

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    The program leader has just left. I have 4 hours until the evening person will get here while I’ll be on my own

    Although my deadbolt was still locked and I can’t see a way it could’ve been relocked if it was unlocked, I swear I’m missing things in my main room too. My echo dot, hard drive, and powerboard all aren’t where I remember leaving them within my room. I can’t actually find them at all. I specifically didn’t take them because I didn’t need to (and in the case of my hard drive, I forgot to take it with me). Also, an old phone I had lying in a drawer is a lot more smashed than it was before, and was also on the floor.

    I’m hesitant to straight up say this is his doing and amend my police report because I sometimes forget that I’ve moved things around, but I can’t find those things anywhere, even in drawers, not that I really had any reason to move them at all. Also, nothing on this room is slashed up, which seems to be his trademark

    I’m honestly terrified now though, and it’s not even dark yet. I’m once again keeping a knife very close and planning to hide in my room until backup arrives at 9. I don’t know whether it’s better to stay hidden and keep my curtain closed, or sit at my desk and open the curtain so I can sort of see out (although I’m sitting not much higher in the window so I couldn’t see much).

    Also, he has an illegal motorbike, so I know he has a way to get here on his own if he wanted to. Of course that means every motorbike I hear makes me jump. I could also walk down to the bus stop and then spend the night at a 24 hour shop or something. But the worker won’t be here til 9, and the bus finishes before then, so I can’t really just leave until the worker gets here, unless I walk home which seems worse.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I’m only just catching up on your saga now and holy hell. Your nightmare experience puts most of us sheltered plebs’ complaints about shitty neighbours and housemates to shame - I can’t believe that deeply fucked cockhead got away with so much cruel, wanton damage and you’re left in such a heightened state. I’m so sorry. It’s unbelievable that the State is exposing an underage person to levels of danger that would be unacceptable on so many fronts.

      You write well and are level-headed Baku - I sincerely hope that helps you escalate this outrageous situation to the highest level and get some appropriate compensation and protection. I hope you never ever have to experience this sort of thing again.

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I’ve had similar experiences and saw this little fuckwit coming a mile away.

        I hope he ruins his own life irreparably and has nobody else left to blame

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
      3 months ago

      Tidy up.

      Then take photos of all your stuff and your rooms. That way you can tell if someone has been there touching your stuff.

      Brace your door with a wedge so it can’t be entered.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I actually think the most likely way somebody would get into my room (at least while I’m in it) is through the window. The window is a tall climb up off the ground, but easily doable with a ladder, or maybe a chair and some good upper body strength

          • Baku@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            Unfortunately not because the window is about a metre, maybe a bit more off the floor in my room. Even my dresser (tallest furniture in my room) only goes about 5cm above the window.

            My main concern is that he may sneak into the back yard and come in through the window in his old bedroom. Not much I can do about that I don’t think. My main bedroom door should be safe though. The locksmith reinforced the lock and the thing the lock bolt goes into by upgrading to longer nails and installing a couple extra

        • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
          3 months ago

          Put empty glass bottles around where the window is, that way any intruder will make a noise.

          • Baku@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            That’s a good suggestion, thanks goonsy. I don’t have any glass jars, so I might try and adapt it by using cups or mugs or something. Unfortunately there is no window sill, so they’ll have to be on my desk, which isn’t wide enough to completely avoid jumping over. He would make enough of a thud that I should wake up though

            I’ve thought about it some more, and I don’t actually think his goal is to hurt or kill me, I think he just wants to get revenge on me by breaking my stuff, since he blames me for being kicked out. But he seems kind of unstable, so I’m not sure I’d rely on that alone to keep me safe.

            When I get my tax refund, I think I’ll invest in some home security stuff, like those little alarms that make that horrific noise if you open a door or window and maybe a couple of cameras. Really that should probably be the orgs responsibility, but if I go through them I can probably expect them to be purchased in late 2025, maybe 2026 at the earliest

            • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
              3 months ago

              Another suggestion that may help. Smear vaseline or similar all over the outside windowsill (if any). Anyone attempting to get in will not be able to get a grip on it to raise themselves up to that level. They’ll have to bring a ladder or whatever which appears to be a level of forward planning that this nincompoop is not capable of. And bringing equipment makes noise. One very old trick is to attach a rattly thing or a small bell to the window at the top where it can’t be seen from outside but will make noise if the window is opened unexpectedlike. Enough noise to alert you and get your phone up and recording if someone does break in. Like a shop bell - the old fashioned sort on a spring that tinkles when the door is opened.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Was just reminded that at my previous job, the 33f supervisor and the 40m appointment setter called each other “work husband/wife”. She has a long-term boyfriend, and he is married to his husband…

    I’ve given myself the ick again. I hate those terms. Like, we don’t have to reduce every male/female friendship into “wife/husband”, just with the “work” qualifier.

    Men and women can be friends at the workplace, and it is entirely appropriate to call each other “friends”. My hot take is that “work husband/wife” is gross and inappropriate.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Fully support this. Its a term that feels like it belongs from an early 2010s buzzfeed list. Gross.

    • bull⚡@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I used to call my boss work dad… his boss was work grandad

      Not quite the same as what you’re talking about but this brought up the memory. I made him a “worlds goodest work dad” mug once.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Gross and inappropriate to dismiss male/female platonic friendships, and instead label it “work husband/wife”.

        Especially when both are already in serious relationships. I think I’m just sick of the lie that men and women can’t be friends. Prolly from my own experience of being accused of cheating every time I spoke about work to my ex and mentioned a male colleague, now that I think about it 👀 Why do we have to add romantic undertones to a opposite sex friendship?

        The terms are just weird. Like, it’s not hard to say “my friend from work”, “work friend”, “James/Jessie/Meowth from accounting and I had a nice lunch together”

        • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
          3 months ago

          Got some news for you - now it seems that ANY platonic friendship gets sexualised in some people’s minds. For me, I think someone that thinks that way is severely limited by their own expectations that ALL relationships MUST be sexual. And we all know that that just isn’t the case.

          • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            It’s almost as if people are attracted to everyone they ever meet / talk to.

            I caught up with a friend of the opposite gender a while ago, and these two women sitting next to us asked if we were on a Tinder date.

    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      The term doesn’t imply any sexual relationship. It means they are close colleagues and got each others backs at work, and can safely talk shit about the workplace with each other. I don’t think it’s gross but probably there could be a better term, maybe workplace besties?

      Edit: I will add, that if it’s a manager/team member or some other connection that is leading to favouritism or unfairness in the team that needs to be addressed. But other than that I really wouldn’t care what people like to call their friendships.

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Doing my part to get to 300 comments.

    Also time for a rainy walk. Absolutely love walking in the rain, even without an umbrella.

    Maybe I have a genetic predisposition to loving the rain considering where I’m from…

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Police report submitted. I received a “notice to the victim” and she said that somebody will call me within 48 hours and I should avoid contaminating the area in case crime scene services decide to attend. Spooky. I’m going to see if I can convince my org to submit a property damage report for the broken walls, doors, and locks, but I doubt they will (they don’t like pressing charges as a general rule of thumb, I’ve seen kids damage 3x3m sections of wall, kick doors in, and try to torch houses and they still don’t call police.

    I’m impressed with the police assistance line, the people I spoke to were very nice and understanding. I don’t have a very high impression of police, generally (although I don’t hate them). But every time I’ve called the PAL they’ve always been respectful and polite. Such a good service.

    • dumblederp@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      It was four months ago I wished you a happy birthday. Quick maths tells me you’ll age out of the system in another eight months. I hope you’re able to find your own place with some stability and safety to it.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Good memory! Though unfortunately because I don’t have anywhere to go yet, I won’t be leaving right when I turn 18. I can stay here until I’m 19, so I’ll leave sometime before then

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Is there any avenue for you to replace the high value items via insurance or something like that?

      I’m sorry you’ve had to return to all the chaos but in the end as much as it hurts to lose material items, as long as you’re safe, that’s what’s most important.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        My stuff is covered under their insurance, but that’s more of a behind the scenes process I won’t need to be involved in. I’ve asked for workers here overnight (even though I wanted to avoid that, it seems better than the alternative), so that at least I can sleep peacefully knowing somebody else is here to help if things go south and he comes back angry

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Update on the situation:

    A lovely bloke from my orgs after hours came to check if I was alright. We had a good chat, and I used the confidence I gained from it to check all the rooms to make sure the windows are all locked. I noticed his window in his room was opened about half way, which is concerning because I don’t remember noticing it when I had a peak before. But of course I might just not have paid enough attention. Also locked his other spare bedroom and the spare LT bedroom windows. Now if he did come back, he won’t be able to get in. He could try the windows on my side of the house, but they’re a few metres off the ground and would definitely make noise trying to get into.

    The worker will be here in an hour, so I’ve almost made it to safety. I’ll give him a mini handover and explain the situation to him and sight ID before letting him in. Unless he just uses his key (there’s a lockbox with a front door key which he’ll have a code to).

    Thanks for all the advice and well wishes everyone, I do really appreciate it. I’ll probably be on edge for a week or two, but after that I should hopefully start to relax and settle back in. The overnight workers will stay for the foreseeable future, although I do have the power to say I don’t want them anymore if I wish.

    I don’t think I need to fear for my safety, I think this kid is more the type to threaten and intimidate but not necessarily assault or actually go through with anything. But he seems to think I’m personally responsible for ruining his whole life, and seems to be kind of unstable so I’m still going to take full safety precautions.

    I pay more tax than I need to, so I’ll get a nice refund whenever they finish processing it (probably in a couple of weeks). I’m definitely going to buy some of those alarms you stick on doors with command strips that set off the alarms, and I’ve also talked with the program leader about organising to have some security cameras installed. I offered to manage their installation personally, to both save on costs and for a cool project to do (in case you lot haven’t noticed, I am a bit of a computer nerd).

    I also haven’t had anything critical stolen or damaged, which is good. Nothing I can’t live without. I don’t have high hopes he’ll be arrested or charged, but even if he doesn’t, I’m covered under my orgs insurance, so they’ll be replacing/fixing everything that’s been lost or stolen.

    (Although on a bad note, I realised about 4 other things have gone missing, all mostly low value things from my main room. I think this happened last week when they had to fix my lock for an unrelated reason, I think somebody left my room unsupervised and he took the opportunity to nick a few things that were in sight. Nothing super valuable, just my diffuser, a powerboard, an echo dot, and some cheap earbuds).

  • bacon@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    The Last Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Tinyest can now clap to the parts of “if your happy and you know it” which is pretty awesome. He’s also waving “Hello” after being able to wave bye bye for a while now. He does both at random though, and occasionally wants a high 5 or clap in between a waves. Still, progress. Scrubs was right, it really is like having a dog that slowly learns to talk.

  • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Today has been a day of rumination about the breakup and me telling myself I’m not good enough because he didn’t think I was good enough (logically I know this is silly). As a result, I’ve really just made myself feel shitty. Using this as an accountability post to get off my butt and head to the shops to buy food for the meal prep I was meant to do, like yesterday.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Today’s the day I finally get to go home. I’ve been away for just about 3 weeks. Unfortunately though I won’t be able to get into my room. The other kid blames me for him being kicked out, so he tried to pick my lock or something. Whatever he did, he fucked it up and I’ve been told it no longer unlocks. Apparently there’s a locksmith coming sometime between 9am and 5pm tomorrow to fix it, but until then I guess I’ll just be chilling in the lounge room.

    I’m also a bit worried honestly, because he seems like the type to hold grudges. I don’t know what I’m going to be walking back into, and what state of disrepair the house is going to be in. Also, I’ll be alone for the foreseeable future and, well, he knows where I live. He’s been abusive towards me a few times (although not directly at me, just at other people who’ve passed it onto me) over the last few weeks, too. Probably pessimistic and over the top, but I’m kind of expecting a brick to come through the window tomorrow night. Hoping for the best, but bracing for the worst, I guess

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I’m so sorry dude. The people in charge of your situation fucked up royally and left you in this position. They’ve put you in danger through negligence.

      Please consider making a formal complaint if it won’t endanger your accommodation, or reach out to some independent advocates and tell them everything. Also please talk to somewhere like Berry St or Orange Door.

      I’m wondering whether taking out an ivo will create enough political pressure for them to move you. (And be worth the potential risk of aggravating this kid further.) Though you generally need a name and address to serve it which may require cooperation from the organisation - and these jokers seem to be the type to suddenly remember “privacy” now that it suits them to. (They will likely go into arse covering mode.)

      In your situation it would be called a Personal Safety Order. You are allowed to apply for one by yourself (not sure if your age affects that) or police may agree to apply for one on your behalf. You can apply online and court by WebEx is available sometimes, but if it’s in person there will be court volunteers to support you.

      It may be harder to get one as it isn’t a family member or ex/partner but having it puts you in a stronger position to have something done if he comes back. If you wrote down what happened plus the dates, this is where that comes in handy.

      Also please document that the lock was broken while you were away - even just a quick dated note, write that it happened in this date range so you remember. And preferably mention it in an email to the organisation for a paper trail that possibly prevents the damage being blamed on you or repairs billed to you. (Arse covering mode often involves blaming the victim for anything they can plus refusing to take responsibility or help.)

      Potentially report the burglary attempt and property damage to the police - even if you ring the cops and agree to do the report via email. Send photos of anything you can - reporting the property damage may mean that you won’t get charged for repairs or held responsible and have them try to kick you out.

      Ps. I’m sorry if this stresses you out worse. It’s just coming from someone who has dealt with many ferals.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Thanks Melba. I’m not sure I’ll go for an IVO, I’m not sure I’d even be able to since he hasn’t actually threatened me directly, he’s just made threatening comments about me to other people. If he comes back though, then I definitely will

        • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
          3 months ago

          Stay safe dude. It’s a pain in the butt but I suggest jot down anything that happens along with the date. (Even if it’s only a few words or one line.)

          Also it might be good to set up a camera in any way that works for you.

          • Baku@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            I’ve actually been pushing to have a camera or maybe one of those little ringy bells installed, but the old LT was against it. Since it’s just me though, I think I will setup an old phone in a position that’ll capture the front door at least with one of those ipfs camera app thingies.

            The old LTs room sits right at the front of the house and has a view of the driveway and the front entrance, my room is in the front but sort of to the side (so I have a general view of the front porch and kind of the front door). But that’s also why I’m a little nervous, if anybody was going to break my window, they wouldn’t need to jump a fence first or anything, they could just walk up the driveway

              • Baku@aussie.zone
                3 months ago

                Unfortunately I can’t because the best vantage point and my spare phone are in the spare room, which the cops told me I should keep it locked and avoid going in there until they’ve come out, or officially decide not to. I did have another old phone in my drawer next to my bed, but I noticed today that it’s completely smashed and no longer turns on

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      so they actually kicked him? Jeez, thats surprising. Seemed like they wanted to drag this saga out as long as they could.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Well, they’ve been paying for (and organising) the workers and hotels, so I guess they were incentivised to cut costs