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Danish is a horrible language please dont do that. You have 4 nordic languages to pic from and you not only pick the worst one but also the one thats probably one of the worst languages of all time. Lotr and star trek trying to create the most disgusting sounding languages failed because danish was already a thing. Danish is so revolting that you start vomitting from it when you hear it and danish people think youre just replying to them.
Found the Swede
And Swedes sound like Stitch.
Accurate though. Danish sounds legit like super drunk Swedish at a distance, and uncanny valley up close to anyone speaking Swedish or Norwegian or German.
I have a friend who is Swedish but worked in both Sweden and Denmark for his job and I asked him if he could talk to them in Swedish and them to him in Danish and if they could understand each other and he told me mostly, but they just did it in English.
It’s not impossible to understand Danish as a Swede but it’s different enough in terms of sounds, grammar, maths, etc. that it’s indeed like an uncanny valley. It’s close enough at first glance, but then gets really alien when you start to pay attention to it. It’s like catching snippets of a conversation in otherwise white noise.
I have worked in Denmark too, and share your friend’s experience - both sides default to English.
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There are way more than 4 Nordic languages to pick from. Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroese, Icelandic, Greenlandic, Sami. Still Danish is of course the worst one.
Du’ dælme smart.
Jo tak, det siger min mor også til mig.
Undskyld hva sir du! Pft
Not sure if serious, but anyway it means “you damn smart”.
In Danish it has become a commonly known allegory used for threatening to initiate a fight over someone being provokingly clever. It started with a viral video in which two guys argue over a pocket bike.
A classic.
I’m sure there are more than that. Älvdalska comes to mind. Isn’t Sami a group of languages rather than a singular distinct language?
Ok yeah for sure. Greenlandic isn’t a singular language either I think.
Nor is Norwegian. For simplicity’s sake they bundle all the dialects together as Nynorsk.
Ahh i didnt count faroe and i only thought of the north germanic ones. Interesting mistake because i live in sweden and i myself am a finno-ugric speaker by being a native hungarian speaker.
Are there still any phrases that Finnish people say that you can clearly understand?
No just a few words. I have a finnish friend who learnt some hungarian and is also a finnish teacher so sometimes he meets people who speak hungarian and are learning finnish. From him the main thing that i heard is that the grammar is similar but hungarian is more chaotic.
Could pick the one that sounds like elvish but no let’s pick the one that sounds like mouth full of potatoes
Absolutely disgusting
Then again, US-American English is not exactly the most sophisticated sounding language either.
English is considered one of the hardest languages to learn because we have rules. And then we don’t use them. It doesn’t help that it’s actually something like a 5 language mash up.
The upside is you can speak in the most broken English imaginable and with patience you’ll be able to get much of your point across
If English were one of the hardest languages to learn, it would not be the most common second language worldwide. It is a difficult language to master, but we barely conjugate verbs, have only remnants of a case system, and no grammatical gender.
The hardest parts about English are the spelling and the advanced weird cases, like “I will have done that by tonight,” but those are not things that the standard language learner has to care about. It’s perfectly fine to ignore all the rules that don’t inhibit communication, so no ESL speaker needs to learn about not splitting infinitives or ending sentences with prepositions (unless they want to do academic writing in the arts, I guess).
Greek, Latin, French were once important languages, yet no-one ever called them easy. English seems easy to you because you’re used to it. The grammar, especially the tenses, are extraordinarily hard to get right and I would comment a lot more if I knew which fucking tense to use when.
To illustrate: English grammar links to “English verbs,” a huge Wikipedia article on its own, which then branches further out to stuff like “Simple past” with their own Wikipedia pages. You - you realize other languages don’t have something similar, not because they are necessarily less spoken, but because they don’t need it?Tenses are one of the more difficult aspects of English, as I noted, yes. Luckily, English allows for asimplification in most cases. English seems easy to me because I’m a language instructor (not teaching English) working with students from all over the world and they almost always rate English as pretty easy compared to other languages they’ve learned. One of my current students is a native Arabic speaker who found English easier than Persian in spite of the increased linguistic distance, for example.
The German and Spanish Wikipedias both also include pages for characteristic tenses and modes, respectively (the reason the English page for that case is split is because it’s got a different name in English). Every language has complex aspects, but one does not need to learn how to properly distinguish between “I would have been going” and “I would have gone” to speak English at a B2 level.
I’m sorry you’re not confident in your English, it’s great. Perhaps you haven’t mastered the tenses (many native speakers also have difficulty with them), but you are perfectly competent at communicating in English.
Farsi and Arabic are not even remotely related, so I don’t think that is the right thing to say as an example. Also, Farsi, like English, is Indo-European. Arabic is Semitic. So if anything, Farsi and English are much closer to each other than Arabic and either of them.
Languages from groups right next to each other do not have to be related at all. Finnish and Swedish were mentioned above. Swedish is Indo-European, Finnish is Uralic.
They use similar alphabets and have a lot of vocabulary in common, so many Arabic speakers find it pretty easy to learn, ime, though that doesn’t work the other way.
There is a greater linguistic distance between English and Arabic than between Farsi and Arabic, even though Farsi and English have a shorter linguistic distance between themselves than either does with Arabic.
Similarly, Finns probably have an easier time learning Swedish than they do Spanish even though Swedish and Finnish are from different language families, just because a lot of vocabulary will be similar. Estonian would probably be even easier for Finnish speakers because of common vocabulary and a shared language family.
we have rules. And then we don’t use them
That’s the most succinct explanation I’ve seen of what’s wrong with English
You have 4 nordic languages to pic from and you not only pick the worst one but also the one thats probably one of the worst languages of all time.
I’d rather learn Danish than Finnish (also, I count 6 Nordic languages: Danish, Swedish, Finnish, the two Norwegian languages of which one is a Danish dialect, and Icelandic, plus there are surely a few minority languages, probably in the far north or so).
As another commenter said you also have faroe, sami and a lot of languages in greenland. The two norwegians dont really count as two different languages. Calssifying north germanic languages can be a bit hard because its a language continuum.
Two Norwegians are actually like 14 different languages. I had a girlfriend from Trondheim, i had learned “nynorsk” while living in Sognogfjordane and had a much easier time understanding people in Aarhus where we lived vs her dialect.
If this is all I have to worry about. Then I’m all in.
Too late English already dragged Danish into the alley. We’re getting some new words! Woooooooo!
you’re gonna get their pronunciation too and it’s going to bleed over into the rest of the language. might as well throw away your hard consonants right now, it’s all rødgrød med fløde from now on
Oh we’ll probably add an ia ending on a few of those and throw some extra vowels in for no reason at all. (Looking at you Bible Belt)
i don’t think that’s physically possible
bear in mind she’s the prime minister speaking officially, so she’s actively trying to speak slowly and clearly
Oh I already heard a candidate! Nordlandia.
that’s a place
This post brought to you by the government of Sweden
(agreed though)
Come to think of it, maybe we can force them to speak Danish as a form of humiliation? You know, like Make America Danish (derogatory)?
Lol maybe
hittade svensken
Good! Only 4 more scalps and you’ve earned a Pripps Blå and a can of snus.
America is now called Greater Vinland.
Sounds like some kind of saga
Haha but that name came from history.
Mmm… Country-sized danish 🤤
Even a Danish-sized danish would work
Hey Danes, if murica ever invades, just teach your farmers guerilla tactics. It’s like a cheat code against them.
Is it a charcoal gruerilla or propane guerilla?
Eh, I was was more thinking about silverback guerilla 🤓
The US could never win from Denmark. Every tank or plane they destroy, Denmark just rebuilds as they are made from Lego.
Honestly, I have 15 years of naval experience, the Danish are one of the best trained and most modern navies I’ve ever seen or worked with (together with Germany and Norway) while the Americans nearly shot down their own helicopter by mistake, MULTIPLE TIMES, if it wasn’t for an allied unit to intervene at the last moment like:
“This is US warship, hostile contact incoming, final warning read, opening fire.”
“This is NL warship, hold your fire! wtf guys, did we miss an exercise or something? Are you aware you’re about to open fire on your own helo right now?”
“This is US warship, hostile contact now friendly, out.”
I’ve never seen a more incompetent navy out there, and I’ve worked with Italian, French and Peruvian navies too so that says a lot.
They may look impressive, with all their tech and carriers, but remember: They fought a 20 year war in Afghanistan against illiterate nomads with 60 year old kalashnikovs who live in caves, and they lost.
Hey now. The US also lost a war against jungle villagers, and then later started losing wars against inanimate objects like drugs.
At least it’s not as bad as Australia. They lost wars against emu’s, beatles, toads, rabbits and mice. Source This is so funny xD
I can’t think of a war where the US decidedly won it since the civil war, which is purely on the technicality that the confederacy was not the US. It does feel like WW2 was carried by the russians and as of today we’ve lost the war of hearts and minds over it
Everyone loses to Vietnam and Afghanistan though. They’re both famously good at home turf guerilla warfare
The US could never win from Denmark. Every tank or plane they destroy, Denmark just rebuilds as they are made from Lego.
Nobody wins a Lego war. You think that unexploded munitions left behind from conventional wars are bad, imagine condemning generations to come to live in a world where you could step on a stray Lego brick at any time.
As a Dane that sounds like paradise
That said, Afghan peoples have successfully fought off a lot of superior forces over the centuries. Most recently before the U.S., the Soviets.
Afghanistan is just not a great place for a military to root out a guerilla force. Those caves you’re talking about are a big reason. The people who know the land have used that knowledge to their advantage for millennia and it’s not something modern technology can really win against unless you’re talking dropping a nuke on them.
I know, I’ve been there
Also USA basicaly just won. They just didint really had a plan for afghanistan.
They did? Taliban is defeated? They brought democracy to Afghanistan?
In order to understand American military doctrine you need to understand a few things. First we’re an engineering power masquerading as a military and cultural one. Second we had three major advantages in the world wars: we came in late to both, our civilians and manufacturing capacity were on the other side of the world, and we had more experience with an industrial war than anyone else thanks to our civil war. And third, we know we’re insane and so does everyone else, sometimes that means we surprise Hitler, other times it means we accidentally shell Mexico.
And yeah the guy who shelled Mexico? L. Ron Hubbard, founder of scientology back when he was in the navy.
I’m not even a little surprised Danes had to stop us from shooting our own helicopters.
And third, we know we’re insane and so does everyone else
Americans think they are insane, the rest knows they are dumb.
I’m pretty sure we’re both. I don’t see another explanation for our current firearm situation
Make America Danish Again
Good cause, but boo AI image
Selling Pølser in Ny København, producing Olsenbanden in Englene, playing handball in Vindensby.
Lars Ulrich renames Nashville to Musikby. Burning Man is replaced by Roskilde Vest.
Forget Budlight, you’ll only get Tuborg or Carlsberg.
Instantly doubles the sandwich supply.
I am looking forward to the day when HM Queen Margrethe II officially decrees Solvang to be the new capital of the new semi-autonomous Danish territory.
Why? Just because it’s Danish without any of the swedes or Norwegens you have to deal with in Minnesota?
I thought the point was to make America Danish.
Well yes, but Minnesota is quite Danish.
God I wish
As a Berniecrat, I’m been advocating for making the US more like Denmark for decades.
A shame that it took an attempt to erase the sovereignty of Greenland to make this meme. 🤪
Danish Cookies for everyone!!
I would welcome the Danes to takeover the USA.
Jeg byder vores nye overherrer velkommen
In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a Tasmanian queen!
Not dark but beautiful, and terrible as the dawn!
Treacherous as the sea!
Stronger than the foundations of the earth!
All shall love me and despair!
They couldn’t do worse than the current leadership, lets do it