You wanna know Trump’s real power? Look at the size of all of those issues on his side. They are all the same fucking size. “Jan 6th” is the same size as “grammer” but they get lumped together. Next week a new piece of bullshit gets thrown on and further distorts the magnitude of an issue like insurrection.
Just going to preface this by saying yes please vote for Biden. If nothing else he is not openly fascist and he will not himself actively work to forward queer genocide and the removal of women’s rights. Please vote for him. If you’re not going to take any measures to change this system and have resigned yourself to existing within it, do one good thing for women and minorities.
If you think it’s fine for a totalitarian fascist state to become established and to mass murder queer people, don’t even fucking bother responding to me. If you’re saying “don’t vote and also don’t revolutionize. Just let trans people and women fucking die” then fuck off. You’re not even worth engaging with. If fascism takes over and my friends, my family, my loved ones and my community are mass murdered I’ll remember how you watched it happen and did literally nothing. Our blood will be on your hands.
I’m not engaging further in this thread.
It’s amazing how passive and tolerant the working class has become of the state. If half the energy that was devoted to arguing about why the system sucks but can’t be changed was instead put into organizing and committing to revolutionary action… Actual real-world change might have already happened.
Like, what’s the line for people? They took away women’s bodily autonomy. What about if they took away women’s right to work? What if they did away with the 40-hour work week? What if they made it so only land owning whites could vote again? Like, where is the line that people will respond by actually trying to change the system?
“The system is broken, but I’m not here to talk about why we should materially do anything to change that” like what kind of argument is that? Are you just going to watch as fascism literally takes over and then try and revolutionize? If Trump wins, are you then going to try and change the system? After the guy who’s definitely a-ok using the military on civilians takes over?
Is this just what it’s going to be forever? Forever arguing for the lesser of two evils, the person who will still cause human suffering but not as much as the other guy? Why are so many people seemingly resigned to this status quo? “It sucks but here we are,” like what?? Even when revolutionary thought is put forward, people say that it would never work, as though no revolution in history has ever worked or achieved any of its aims. Which is just wrong. Neo liberal propaganda has got yall so bad that you genuinely believe that Western capitalist democracy is the only possible way for society to exist and that any and all attempts to change it are impossible.
Biden literally signed into law a resolution that took away the ability of railworkers to strike. This is one of the most anti-union and anti-worker moves from the legislative and executive branches I have ever seen in my entire life.
My choice is between that disgusting sack of shit, and an even worse more putrified fascist disgusting sack of shit scumbag pondscum asshole.
I will not be voting for either, and instead will be selecting the candidate available to me on the ticket most closely matching my priorities and convictions. Either way, the electoral college will look at my vote and immediately trash can it to put the true vote to one of these bought and paid for pricks. Happy fucking democracy, what a goddamn joke.
Maybe if you vote for Biden he’ll be unable to continue in office for whatever reason (will leave to your imagination) and then Kamala Harris takes over. She is markedly more left wing than he is, so there is a possibility you’ll get an outcome you prefer.
Edit: should clarify that I also don’t have a horse in this race since I’m not from the states
She is markedly more left wing than he is, so there is a possibility you’ll get an outcome you prefer.
This is the narrative that mass media outlets like to tell and retell but I don’t know any US leftists that think Kamala Harris is even remotely leftwing. Literally none.
Yes she probably isn’t as awful on Israel as Biden is, but that isn’t actually saying anything at this point really, Biden is an utter catastrophe on the Palestinian genocide and it very well might lose him the election over it.
Ah interesting - I thought she was chosen as vice president to “balance out his ticket” and appeal to the left of the party
She’s a cop, there’s nothing leftish wing about her
I love watching this strawman over and over.
Of course Biden is better than Trump. He should still stop supporting genocide.
As far as I know, the Oval Office doesn’t have start/stop genocide button, or control inflation lever for that matter.
If it’s not going to be Biden, then it will be someone else. Either a Republican or a Democrat.
Even someone who earlier looked promising, eg Fetterman is a staunch Israel supporter.
Because the problem is systematic. You can’t just uproot the US-Israel nexus that’s deeply entrenched in the US politics.
the Oval Office doesn’t have start/stop genocide button
True, but it DOES have the option to stop supplying bombs that they know for a fact are being used to commit that genocide.
Your “either they can push a magic button or they’re doing all they can” dichotomy isn’t clever. It shows that you’re being either disingenuous, willfully ignorant or just extremely obtuse.
Because the problem is systematic
Yes, Israel is systematically wiping out the population of Gaza and the Biden White House is using the levers of the system to help them do it. That’s not an argument for not telling them to stop.
You can’t just uproot the US-Israel nexus that’s deeply entrenched in the US politics
You can, in fact. It worked with Apartheid South Africa, which the US also kept supporting way beyond the point that most other countries stopped, and it’ll work with THIS apartheid regime too.
Not sure where you got the implication from that he shouldn’t stop supporting genocide?
Right here on lemmy. Try saying that Biden should stop supporting genocide here on lemmy a few times. You’ll get plenty of people acting like you’re both-sidesing for Trump.
Only if you add in a splash of “so I’m not voting for him”.
No one is shouting down people for just saying Biden should stop supporting genocide.
If you say “biden should stop supporting genocide” then you’ll get “but the other guy supports genocide even harder” to shut down any discussion. If you point out that it’s unacceptable that the only two options are genocide supporters, that’s definitely when you get the “you’re both sidesing!!” talking point in another attempt to shut down discussion.
No you won’t.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is not true
I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is.
Wow, that was easy!
If he doesn’t change his position by Election Day, will that prevent you from voting for him?
Wouldn’t that be single-issue voting that would ultimately favor the Orange Menace?
I don’t understand why this keeps resurfacing on Lemmy like there’s a choice. Like, what’s the point of asking people this?
The point is to avoid addressing the reasonable concern. If you say you would not vote for Biden then the conversation becomes about your poor tactics rather than the current president aiding a genocide.
Anybody who doesn’t vote for Biden because of Israel deserves Trump.
What is the strawman in this meme? When you talk to republicans they will point out the flaws of a democrat and act like that is equivalent to whatever their republican counterparts are doing. This is not a strawman.
I thought you guys would “stop after the primary season.” I wonder if anyone called that out as bullshit.
Stop what?
Trying to steer us into a valcano
By doing what, specifically?
Creating division prior to a major election in the US
I don’t understand why people bother with this crap on here. It’s exhausting and pointless. Anyone that is going to vote and isn’t casting a ballot for Biden is either a MAGA idiot or has the mental acuity of an inbred toddler. They both share a lack of mental depth that is required to process anything of substance.
I think you underestimate younger voters who understandably want to take a principled stand against voting for the lesser of two evils, and haven’t yet had the experience of realizing too late that this principled stand accomplished nothing but empowering the greater of two evils.
This older voter is calling bullshit. If there has ever been a bill or law that targets specific groups of people to subjugate, it has Biden’s fingerprints in it. In most cases he wrote and sponcered the bill. Patriot Act, Crime Bill, Bankruptcy bill prohibiting student debt, DOMA, DADT, welfare reform, etc. The list is endless. He has 50 years of Congressional to show he does not represent us in government.
Condoning genocide is not the lesser evil
The annual pretending Democrats don’t uphold systemic issues because Trump is clearly worse. 🙄
I don’t think that is what this post is saying.
Well uh… That’s kind of the point? They’re pretending the Democrats don’t have problems.
No and you are exactly the person this post is aimed at. It LITERALLY SHOWS DEMOCRATS have problems but trump is worse. If you vote for no one you are saying you are 100% equally okay with either trump or Biden winning. If that is your intent then you do you. But you are refraining from voting as a form of protest against Biden than that is not only not helping your cause you are actively hurting your own cause. I am flabbergasted how many supposedly intelligent people do not understand the broad ramifications of their actions
Lmao. You think his age and Israel are the only problems? Wow. Immigration, Housing, protectionist policies, and cost of living are also big problems. Not pushing to get rid of the filibuster, not even trying to appoint more SCOTUS judges to make it more representative of the country.
Dude the list goes on. This meme is blatant propaganda.
And no. Not voting for either one because you don’t like either one doesn’t mean anything other than that. You don’t get to try to gaslight people. It also just makes us not want to vote even more.
I would try and correct you on your incorrect usage of “gaslighting” but I have a feeling you may have trouble understanding distinctions. Good for you for publicly announcing you’re just as okay for trump being president as you are as Biden. Good luck in preferred candidate winning.
to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability
The constant refrain of calling us Trump supporters or telling us we’re just as okay with Trump very much fits the definition. Not supporting Biden does not mean we support Trump. That gaslighting is how we got into this mess in the first place.
That is not what the word gaslighting means, yet again. And I’m sorry but you’re not REALLY so niave as to think third party is winning this election? In which case yes by your actions you are just as okay with trump as Biden. It’s really not difficult to work out but apparently you have difficulty with the meaning of words.
These types of posts always strike me as desperate. I know no one and I mean no one that will switch from voting for Biden to voting for Trump just because he’s old and enables Israel’s genocide. And if they are willing to switch, you’re probably talking about mid-stage dementia boomers that are easily manipulated either way. Why do you have to get so offended that people talk shit about Biden? People didn’t vote for him cause they liked him. Your memes aren’t going to make people like Biden more, but they’ll definitely remind us that there are quite a few pathetic Democrats out there.
But the concern is turnout, not switching sides.
Maybe Biden and the DNC should do something about that?
It’s insane that anyone is doing the work of defending either. We deserve significantly better.
This is the thing I can’t believe 100% of the left isn’t screaming from the rooftops. Yes, we’ll all vote for Biden, but we’re going to have to live with the fact that we knowingly voted for a genocide supporter for the rest of our lives. Sure, we voted for the lesser genocide supporter, but that really shouldn’t matter to our own sense of disgust at ourselves.
Innocent people are dying, and my vote for the guy supplying the weapons that kill them will be the most shameful moment of my life. At least, I hope it will - I don’t have much faith at this point that I won’t be forced to do something even worse in 4 years. And 4 years after that. And 4 years after that…
People need to stop thinking that the left “has a party.” The right has two parties and the left is trying desperately to stop one from going full authoritarian.
I will tell you what happens when the GOP is served a crushing blow. The people without any real beliefs, like the Trump humpers that voted Obama, come back and devour the DNC from the inside. The game is rigged and youre not a part of the game rigging club. Get use to eating shit and start voting like your friends and families lives depend on it.
Yep it’s the same old bullshit from out-of-touch sub-22-year-old revolutionaries who just so happen to intersect the Venn diagram with right-wing wedge-driving astroturfers, conveniently. They tend to stay quiet for 3-4 years, do nothing, then complain loudly about how imperfect the inevitable candidate is, then threaten to do something utterly meaningless and backfiring to their own end-goals like not voting or voting 3rd-party.
Tack on another on that list: Ukraine. Trump pledged zero aid to Ukraine; Republicans are blocking it all. Not only will more blood be spilled in Palestine under Republican leadership, but quantifiable more blood will also be spilled in Ukraine. Talk about a Pyrrhic victory.
It isn’t that they’re silent for 3-4 years, it’s that libs suddenly need their support and start hounding them about their motivations.
Of course they’ll hound you about your motivations; after all:
- If you claim to care about Palestinians (along with the things on the right side of the scale, and Ukrainians)
- Yet threaten to let the guy who will do bad things to these things on a scale orders-of-magnitude worse win…
… Then you just aren’t thinking logically or with any foresight whatsoever. In fact it’s entirely self-defeating.
In the meantime go ahead and ask a Palestinian and Ukrainian who they’d prefer to have in the White House. I’ll wait.
If you claim to care about the things on the right side of the scale (and even Palestinians and Ukrainians)
I’m not even sure what this means, except that it seems to suggest that leftists care about right-leaning policies? I’ve seen a lot of loose usage of the right-left definitions lately, and it’s worth pointing out that the two geopolitical topics you specifically called out don’t exactly fit a strict ‘left-right’ political scale (having to deal with hierarchies and egalitarianism, generally). Different branches within the left political thinking have different lenses to judge international conflicts (an ML will look at those conflicts differently than an anarchist). Although we all see those conflicts differently, we all tend to agree that the US has historically never been a benevolent actor in them and we regard the US’s involvement skeptically, to say the least.
Yet threaten to let the guy who will do this on a scale orders-of-magnitude worse win…
The US political system simply does not provide egalitarian opportunities for dissent through it’s democratic process, so of course we threaten the system that is hostile to our involvement. Political dissent is the only tool available to us. It just so happens that this particular election provides quite a bit of leverage, because while the posture toward existing hierarchical structures is the same between the two parties, one party is desperately in need of support for self-preservation. Moderates have to work with us this time, and boy do they seem pissed about it.
Then you just aren’t thinking logically or with any foresight whatsoever.
Hardly, you just seem to think leftists are on ‘your side’. Liberals have always been the largest roadblock to progress, and have always been our target for agitation. We threaten the Liberal coalition by withholding support, and that gives us leverage.
In the meantime go ahead and ask a Palestinian and Ukrainian who they’d prefer to have in the White House.
LOL, Biden has been actively supplying the weaponry being used against Palestinians, and Ukraine has nearly been left to defend itself for the last year as Putin’s war machine has been slowly gaining momentum. I don’t think either group thinks of Biden fondly and you’re deluding yourself if you think they give a fuck about the US’s presidential race. I actually think they’d be rooting for the political agitators trying to get Biden to deal while he’s still in office, but I can’t speak for them (and funny that you think you’re able to yourself).
I’m not even sure what this mean
Whoa, slow down there slick. I was merely referring in context to the submission meme. Do you or do you not care about the things on the scale?
The US political system simply does not provide egalitarian opportunities for dissent through it’s democratic process, so of course we threaten the system that is hostile to our involvement.
Why of course it does! For starters, they’re called Primaries. The problem is your numbers are so tiny that your coalition of course cannot punch above its weight-class. You seem to believe you’re the only group in America who matter and don’t seem to understand the concept or caucusing or coalitions.
As a result you don’t seem to grasp that if Biden pulls too hard to “work with you,” he risks alienating more fragile, less-informed, less-educated more gullible parts of the electorate and then it’s all for nothing because now we have to deal with the significantly-worse guy and party for 4 years, and everyone including Palestinians and Ukrainians will have nobody to blame but folks such as yourself because you tried to leverage beyond your weight-class.
Hardly, you just seem to think leftists are on ‘your side’. Liberals have always been the largest roadblock to progress, and have always been our target for agitation. We threaten the Liberal coalition by withholding support, and that gives us leverage.
Considering it was those darned liberals who won pretty much every notable piece of advancement and progress in our nation’s history, I’m going to call bullshit on that. Thank a liberal for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in Congress. It sure wasn’t you or any tankies, now, was it?
LOL, Biden has been actively supplying the weaponry being used against Palestinians, and Ukraine has nearly been left to defend itself for the last year as Putin’s war machine has been slowly gaining momentum. I don’t think either group thinks of Biden fondly and you’re deluding yourself if they give a fuck about the US’s presidential race. I actually think they’d be rooting for the political agitators trying to get Biden to deal while he’s still in office, but I can’t speak for them (and funny that you think you’re able to yourself).
Obvious deflection aside, I’m pretty sure Ukraine recognizes the obstruction in aid is entirely on Republicans. That you seem to muddy the waters suggests even more bad-faith arguing and now leans even more heavily to right-wing wedge-driving. It’s getting a bit too obvious for me now. Just go ahead and follow through, will you buddy? Because I’ve yet to see a Palestinian or Ukrainian say they’re rooting for Trump over Biden. Good luck, though.
Pretty sure they give a big fuck about the Presidential race because in Ukraine it determines the outcome of aid, and in Palestine it determines whether they get Biden who is stepping away from Israel, versus Trump who has openly embraced steam-rolling Gaza. Quite foolish really to believe otherwise.
LMAO, I stopped reading after you said I should thank a liberal for the Civil Rights Act
If leftists were such a small demographic then our voting patterns should be of no concern to your precious coalition, dipshit. But I’ll take that as an admission that your ire at us is purely theatrical.
Oof, that one kind of hit hard then, didn’t it?
Keep preaching of pyrrhic victories from the comfort of your home as – checks notes – not a single Tankie was in Congress who voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, now, did they? So yes, thank a Liberal for actually getting shit done. Don’t have much to list for winning rights for the American people now, do you…?
If leftists were such a small demographic then our voting patterns should be of no concern to your precious coalition, dipshit. But I’ll take that as an admission that your ire at us is purely theatrical.
LMAO tell me you don’t understand zero-sum without saying it. Yes, congratulations: If tankies back out they might throw the election for the true fascist and accelerate the deaths of Palestinians, Ukrainians, and cripple rights on the home front from women to trans – great job! But now, you’ve just jeopordized an even LARGER chunk of the electorate in voting against you and now you still lose because you sacrificed the larger voting-bloc for the smaller voting-bloc. Totally wise move there, buddy! Way to think that one through!
Yet who am I kidding – you seem to blame Biden for the lack of aid going to Ukraine, so there’s really no use in discussing any further.
Keep preaching of pyrrhic victories from the comfort of your home as – checks notes – not a single Tankie was in Congress who voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, now, did they?
lol checkmate, tankie
Yes, congratulations: If tankies back out they might throw the election for the true fascist
I will gladly accept these congratulations on behalf of all tankies
Keep preaching of pyrrhic victories from the comfort of your home as – checks notes – not a single Tankie was in Congress who voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, now, did they? So yes, thank a Liberal for actually getting shit done. Don’t have much to list for winning rights for the American people now, do you…?
I just have to jump in here to point out how utterly, completely, cataclysmically wrong you are about this. First, let’s start with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Yes, it’s true that no, “Tankie,” was in Congress to vote for it, but attributing it’s passage to Liberals shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how the parties functioned at the time.
Economically, the party positions were mostly the same, with Republicans promoting fiscal conservatism while Democrats supported labor rights and the social safety net. However, in terms of the Civil Rights movement, the divide was centered around geography, not party; Republicans and Democrats from northern states were far more likely to support the Civil Rights movement than southern states. In fact, more Republicans voted for Civil Rights Act than Democrats (a point disingenuous Republicans will bring up without acknowledging the Southern Strategy, but that’s a separate issue), so fiscally, the Civil Rights Act was passed with more conservative than liberal support.
Second, the Civil Rights movement in general was a far-left movement that clashed with Liberal Centrists. Martin Luther King was far more aligned with Socialists and Democrat Socialists than Liberals, and was downright anti-capitalist, saying, “Capitalism has often left a gap of superfluous wealth and abject poverty…[creating] conditions permitting necessities to be taken from the many to give luxuries to the few,” and that, "capitalism has outlived its usefulness.”
King also had no patience for moderate Liberals. In a speech in 1960, he said, “There is a pressing need for a liberalism in the North which is truly liberal…[that] rises up with righteous indignation when a Negro is lynched in Mississippi but will be equally incensed when a Negro is denied the right to live in his neighborhood.” Even in his famous 1963 Letter from a Birmingham Jail he said:
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.
So, in summary, attributing the Civil Rights Act to Liberals is patently wrong. Economically, more members of Congress who voted for the Civil Rights Act would identify as conservative than liberal. Socially, the Civil Rights movement was often at odds with Liberal pragmatists who pushed for slower, more moderate action. Finally, given your comments, I’m pretty sure that if Martin Luther King were alive today, you’d think he was a Tankie.
I was gonna call out the “grammar” one, since a person’s grammar really isn’t all that big a deal… Then I remembered reading one of his tweets a few days ago. It was somewhere around 200 words, all caps, and zero punctuation.
I can’t. I can’t do four more years of this guy’s fucking tweets. Guys. Please.
Someone pointed out that him Ying his Hs (yuuuuuuge) is apparently a current linguistic trend in American English, and I about died of a heart attack
I normally am a hard descriptivist but oh sweet God no not more people talking like him!
It puts the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again.
Fuck it. Y’all are gonna kill me anyhow.
on its* skin
Definitely not biased at all. Israel which rapes, pillages and kills that’s not at all a small thing. To try say that Biden is much better than trump is false. They’re both poisons only difference is one is a loud mouth. Don’t vote for Biden and set a precedence that supporting genocide as a US president will get you to lose your office chair.
Wait, you seriously want another four years of Trump?
Biden or trump doesn’t make a difference for me in the grand scheme of things because policy is in the legislature with congress. I may be more likely to be harassed and hate crimed under trump but thats a sacrifice I’m willing to make to punish Biden and perhaps even set a political precedence.
And now
President Biden told the Israeli leader that airstrikes that killed aid workers were “unacceptable” and appeared to condition future support on how Israel changes course.
Meanwhile the alternative
The whole “Biden is bad because Israel” line is so absurd compared to Trump that it really must be Russian propaganda.
Political posturing with no action. He tells them no don’t do it! Then sells them weapons and does actually nothing. And he only called for a ceasefire now that 7 white people have died. 30k+ Palestinians and nothing. Non white blood must be that cheap.
The date of the ceasefire service was March 1st. Congress controls arms trade. And again, this is the alternative, mister Putin:
Trump will not only give Israel MORE weapons and NOT call for cease fires but will probably also send US troops. nobody’s dumb enough to think they’re “the same”
Will he though? He’s a great supporter of israel but he’s been the only president not to start a new conflict in the past decade.
Also what about all the times Biden side stepped congress and gave israel aid and weapons? Here’s one example:
Biden has helped commit a genocide. I’ll take someone who hasn’t even if he will later. The person who did the action vs the person who hasn’t are not equal. On what earth would I be okay again with someone who committed genocide?
I don’t think many people are saying that Biden is the same as Trump or just as bad as Trump. I think most progressives, for instance, would agree that Biden is better than Trump, it’s just that that’s such a low bar. I mean, are liberals really surprised that people aren’t all that impressed with a president whose main selling point is that he’s not as bad as the only alternative? Now, I get that liberals don’t see it that way, I understand that liberals, apparently, are really very happy with Joe Biden, but for the rest of us he is only the least bad option.
In some parts of Lemmy, they are absolutely making that argument.
Lemmy is farther from real life than Tumblr or 4chan, be real.
How so?
Many of the people using this site are more detached from reality than on the other sites I mentioned.
I don’t see the thousands of regressive bills that have Biden’s fingerprints all over them since 70s.
There is also Bidens role in the Iraq war, that actually weighs quite heavy…
Trump is probably still worse, but Biden is bad, really bad.
Do not vote for Joe Biden. You do not have to pick between two parties whose platforms are genocide. Vote third party in the national and don’t support the genocide.
You people are another reason bibi is so brazen in killing innocent Palestinians, because he knows that it will help bring back his ally trump.
You don’t think it has even a little bit to do with his rabid Zionism?
Not even a touch?
This is a dangerous sentiment to promote in a first past the post election. The united States needs many years of election reform before that’s a safe thing to do or for one of the two major parties to manage to make themselves irrellevent immediately before election day
I don’t have to choose between genocidaires.
What’s dangerous to promote is a party that literally doesn’t care to address the legitimate concerns of its ostensible electorate in any meaningful way regarding the genocide it’s promoting, aiding, and preventing the impediment of.
Do not vote for a party that does that.
You’re speaking to an audience of, optimistically, 500,000 people on a relatively obscure platform that is by proportion less American than most other social media platforms this size.
If literally everyone who could vote saw you say “don’t vote Biden” and did exactly that, you’d make so little difference that you’d be actively contributing to the spoiler effect.
You know, that thing that handed Trump the 2016 election?
So fuck you. Fuck this system for being so shitty, but fuck you for advocating the only thing that would make things worse.
Clinton and her hubris handed Trump the election. Spoiler is a myth liberals create for themselves to try and vote shame. Earn our fucking votes or they can fuck off.
spoiler is a myth liberals created for themselves to vote shame
Spoiler implies we would vote for a POS neolib politician if there were no other options. We would not.
No dude. No independent has won the presidency since the bullmoose party 100 years ago.
Voting independent or not voting is an invitation for a republican president.
You can bloviate all you want but facts are fucking facts.
They can earn our votes or fuck off.
I guess you’re cool with another 4 years of Trump. That’s on you.
Im not cool with it, but votes are earned, not demanded for fear of a Boogeyman.
Ok so you demand respect but you’re also aware that an actual fascist wants you to abstain for any reason so he can fear monger his own base into putting him in the white house
Wait, so would people just voting against genocide make little difference or would it spoil the election?
If it will spoil the election then wouldn’t it be best for Biden to you know, stop the genocide?
I can’t believe the democrats would rather run the pals through a meat grinder than win the election. Sounds like a bad party that I shouldn’t vote for. What do you think?
Wait, so would people just voting against genocide make little difference or would it spoil the election?
It’s both. The thought of the US backing Israel makes me physically ill. But saying “well Biden should just stop the genocide” like he can wave a magic wand is woefully ignorant of the politics of why we’re involved in the first place.
Sounds like a bad party that I shouldn’t vote for. What do you think?
I think that any chance that Mr “I just want to be a dictator for one day” has of living his fascist dreams needs to be averted at all costs. I live in the deep south and I personally know people who are itching to shoot democrats in the face once they feel like they have the protection to do so.
Having the stance of “well I just don’t feel like voting for the party that might be the only tangible chance of averting literal, actual fascism” is either incredibly short sighted or down right uninformed.
No, I don’t care for liberal ideology. Yes, I’m going to vote for Biden because I fear what Trump might empower his base to do.
It’s crazy that Biden can’t wave his magic wand and stop the genocide but that same magic wand will supply weapons, military gear and money to commit the genocide and block the un from taking action against it just fine.
What do you think is gonna happen if trump loses?
Yeah sure buddy. Biden is single handedly providing weapons and money. Do you have any idea how our congress works?
Fundamentally, things will get worse if Trump wins. Including how we are handling Israel. You don’t seem to understand that.
Weird. I seem to remember a widely reported story that the Biden administration authorized delivery of 2 ton bombs to israel as recently as march 29th.
Now I may be just a simple country poster, but the administration authorizing delivery would imply the ability of that same administration to revoke its authorization with the result being impact on the delivery.
But what do I know? I could be fundamentally mistaken and the democrat president doesn’t have the power to direct Americas military might all over the world at all.
Really makes the case for himself then when his hands are conveniently tied by process every time there’s something to stand up for.
Israel doesn’t seem to think trump would be better for them. There was an article just the other day where a few Israeli reporters interviewed him and were shocked that his line was “wrap it up”. They described him as having flanked Biden on the left.
Not that it matters, I’m not voting for either of em. I won’t vote for genocide.
Israel doesn’t seem to think trump would be better for them
Yeah, republicans want them to just nuke Palestine and get it over with. That’s a better option to you?
I’m not voting for either of em
Then don’t vote. You don’t sound like the type that comprehends the full scope of what is at stake anyway.
This conversation is over. There isn’t a way to convince someone with their nose this far in the air. You go on and think yourself better than the situation. The rest of us will continue living in reality while you use your power to enable an actual fascist.
Have fun with that.