• Yeah, uh-huh. Let me know when he has a stroke. Anything short of that and the right won’t even acknowledge that it happened. Even then they’ll say it was a liberal conspiracy to poison him.

    • @Albbi@lemmy.ca
      13216 days ago

      He’s had a series of mini-strokes though. We know it because he tweeted that he didn’t have them.

    • @assembly@lemmy.world
      2716 days ago

      They would still vote for him and say it’s a conspiracy as he’s not really dead. He’s just chilling with Elvis in a CIA bunker or something.

        • Optional
          1516 days ago

          Hey - hey member that time when the Qanuts all went down to Dealy Plaza to watch JFK Jr. appear back in the land of the living so he could run as VP for trump? Member?

          Oh man. Such incredible dipshits. Look! Look!

          • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
            316 days ago

            I think the Feds should probably use facial recognition on footage of crowds like that and keep tabs. Just sayin’. If they are going to spy on Quakers and vegans, the least they could do with overreach is spy on groups that are likely tied into terrorist cells.

            • Optional
              116 days ago

              And yet they don’t . . . Just the Quakers and vegans. now why would that be? Hmmmmmmm

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        16 days ago

        There would be a group that says he’s not dead, a group that says he is dead and coming back, and a group that says he’s been reincarnated.

        And then, in the far future, scientists will wonder why we switch from a lowercase t to an uppercase T.

  • athos77
    9416 days ago

    Per Trump, “great legal experts,” including Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, believed there was no case.

    Today I was absolutely shocked to learn that Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are great legal experts.

    And [the hush money jury] is in about a 95 percent Democrat area,

    Pro tip: if you don’t want to be tried by a jury from a mostly-Democratic area, don’t commit crimes in New York City.

    • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
      4216 days ago

      This dude lived most of his life on Manhattan. He has multiple properties there. Those people know him best and are the best judges of guilt in his trial.

      • @elvith@feddit.de
        1416 days ago

        NYC has all the judges. Good judges. Great judges. The best judges in the world, I tell ya. Not like those judges from a shit hole county. And I have great attorneys. The best. They could be better, but the best attorneys that do as I tell em.

        Make attorneys great again!

    • @wildcardology@lemmy.world
      2115 days ago

      Pro pro-trip. If you have something to hide don’t run as president. If he just remained a private citizen this wouldn’t be happening to him right now

      • Queen HawlSera
        615 days ago

        There was a theory that he was intentionally TRYING to lose the election, that the whole thing was a publicity stunt for his (canceled due to him becoming President) then not-quite-upcoming “Trump TV” venture (Which was basically Fox News starring Trump)

        He looks genuinely surprised and upset that he won in the pics showing his reaction, and so did Ivanka.

        I can totally buy that his plan was to win the primary, lose the general, and sell not him as a president, but the fantasy of the White Utopia he’d create if he was President… and the conspiracy theories that Hilary won by cheating…

        But then he fucked up when the plan went horribly right and he became the President for realsies.

    • @NABDad@lemmy.world
      1616 days ago

      Today I was absolutely shocked to learn that Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are great legal experts.

      Anyone can be a great legal expert if you’re stupid enough.

    • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
      16 days ago

      I remember reading that there was a large percentage of Americans that considered the pandemic a “sign from god”. Now I’m no statistician, but I feel like there’s a large overlap between the people who thought that and the people who absolutely would not think it’s a sign negatively related to Trump, and would somehow justify the second one as a warning about those damn deep state liberals.

      Would be pretty hilarious though, if not for the innocent people who would suffer.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        1716 days ago

        There is a certain segment of society that thinks every natural event is a “sign from (their) god”.

        I do wonder how many of the same people that kept mindlessly repeating phrases like “gain of function! gain of function!” like good little parrots were ALSO saying the pandemic was a “sign from god”, though… 😂

        • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
          716 days ago

          Wonder about the natural world is nice, but I’ve definitely seen people take it too far. One comment on here talked about how they saw miracles every day. Like they were hungry and found $20 in their jacket pocket. Or they were cold and the sun came out.

          That’s not a miracle. It’s just coincidence. You can’t say that everything is meaningful or nothing is.

          • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
            515 days ago

            I probably wouldn’t judge them for that outright… it’s a cruel world and if feeling happy about minor convenient coincidences helps them get through it, then good for them.

            Though if they’re really overbearing about it in that toxic positivity sort of way, I’m sure they’d be super insufferable to be around.

        • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
          215 days ago

          well the problem is they always see it as a sign they’re right. Even when its like a tree falling on them. Never is the “sign from god” a message to the viewer a sign to stop being an asshole

      • @whereisk@lemmy.world
        416 days ago

        If it was the other way around Trump would most definitely use it to rally his troops. “see what God visited on the Earth when the democrats were in power?” Or something like that

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      1615 days ago

      H5N1 is almost certainly going to become a pandemic no matter who wins.

      And the majority GOP House (plus a likely Senate takeover) will do the same exact thing they did in 2019 when COVID hit: Blame foreigners, persecute physicians, peddle phony cures, and deny its even happening all at once.

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      516 days ago

      Yes, a very scary crisis under this asshat is what truly scares me (and that’s assuming he doesn’t just go for broke on being a dictator day one). I mean, Covid was bad enough, but had a very, very low fatality rate.

      Something like H5N1 would be a total fustercluck of conspiracy theories, narcissism, bad advice, nonsense and carnage under this utterly incompetent dumbass and his grifting accomplices/hangers-on…Americans would pay the price by the millions under such bad “leadership”.

      Thankfully, at least, adults are aiming to do something about it; I hope they don’t slow down in any way, and instead work on this very diligently in the even that donnie does get into office so that we are prepared for just such an event. Of course, the faux/maga/q brainiacs have spread so much antivaxxer nonsense that their actions would likely have a negative effect even when we do have a vaccine and even if donnie is not in office.


  • @Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
    6116 days ago

    Slurring his words at a Waukesha, Wisconsin rally, Trump referred to Biden’s “fake infrastrucker, ershure para,”

    Lol what the fuck?🤣

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        1715 days ago

        One way you know Trump was a lazy piece of shit during his first term is that it didn’t suck the absolute life out of him like it did for Obama, Bush, or Clinton.

        He puts all his energy into campaigning and none of it into governing. Maybe this run up to November really will be what does him in.

        • Queen HawlSera
          515 days ago

          He was STILL doing rallies even after winning the erection, I don’t think that’s ever fappened before

  • @DevCat@lemmy.world
    5216 days ago

    Follow the link in the article to his rant about Master Lock. WTF? How is this person allowed three feet away from his caretaker?

  • Queen HawlSera
    4315 days ago

    Has someone tried starting a conspiracy that Donald Trump is fucking dead and this is a clone meant to trick people into voting for a Luciferian Sleeper Agent?

    • @dhork@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      Maybe not.

      The Biden-Harris ticket is set in stone, and Harris is the sitting VP. If God exercises His Ultimate Veto on Biden, then Harris gets thrust immediately into the job, while also taking over the ticket and trying to pick a VP that can pass ratification in both houses of Congress. And the optics of picking one VP for a few months and a different one in the campaign are poor, so Harris will be saddled not only with a new job and a boring personality, but with a compromise VP that was picked to siphon off three or four Republican votes in the House.

      While if Trump eats one too many hamberders before the convention, Republicans have more options, because he doesn’t have an announced VP yet, and even if he did, that choice isn’t as permanent as the current VP. Since Trump has installed his people in the RNC, though, we shouldn’t expect much of a change. We’ll probably get Don Jr. to run in his place – they wouldn’t even need to change the banners.

      As ridiculous as Junior is, he will have an army of MAGAs who now revere his dad as a saint, while Kamala Harris is kinda meh. I don’t wanna see the result of that.

      • Hmm, okay the best election outcome is actually trump dying during the election, biden winning against the new candidate due to Trump’s death demotivating Republican turnout, the dems also winning back the house and keeping the senate, and then biden having a heart attack on Groundhog day (just for flair)

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        114 days ago

        I can see the rise of snowflake men crying because they don’t have an old white man to vote for. Basically, Jan 6th crowd, again.

    • @Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
      2615 days ago

      Because that would lead to what?

      Why is the liberal candidate dying so attractive?

      Do you think his party would substitute him with a candidate that suddenly disagrees with almost a century of American treaties and support for Israel? Do you think when Bernie makes a statement about accountability he has to actually do anything about that?

      Like I’m all for netanyahu getting a smack and a jail sentence but wishing death to Joe Biden feels like cutting off your nose to spite a liberal face.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        -615 days ago

        Why is the liberal candidate dying so attractive?

        Biden’s spent his whole life carrying water for the most rotten and corrupt people on the planet. Just a shame he hadn’t died much sooner.

        If the McKinsey Consultants infesting his administration all want to go down with him in the same nose-diving Boeing Max Jet, the world would immediately become a better place.

      • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
        -815 days ago

        Because the guy is too old to really think about the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t have to live with them, the younger population does.

        Both he and Trump should be in a retirement home, yet here they are trying to lead a country.

    • @Fades@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      Biden has done MANY great things which means something given the Republican party’s full court press to stop anything and everything good from happening.

      Fuck you for wishing Biden fucking dies, he’s not perfect so throw him into the flames? You disgust me.

      • @Strawberry@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        15 days ago

        Biden is unashamedly facilitating a genocide, I do hope he dies and I don’t feel bad about it

        He also callously lifted pandemic precautions for political expediency when the epidemiology did not call for it

        • Trump is a far bigger Israel supporter, considering he ordered to move the American embassy to Jerusalem when he was president, which is a big no-no to any other US presidents before.

          I agree on the second paragraph but that’s virtually every where on earth. People are sick of the lock downs, which is understandable as there are people having been furloughed and businesses losing money, and not to mention the effect on mental health. Even China, whose people are passive to authoritarian structure, had major protests condemning the zero-COVID policy; which by the way, experts also say does not work as much as the gradient restrictions does not.

          • Trump is a far bigger Israel supporter, considering he ordered to move the American embassy to Jerusalem when he was president, which is a big no-no to any other US presidents before.

            I don’t disagree

    • @rsuri@lemmy.world
      1815 days ago

      Trump is currently 77, at that age life expectancy is about 9-10 years. You could adjust it downward a bit for obesity and perhaps other evidence of poor health, but not by much.

      • @Rakonat@lemmy.world
        1614 days ago

        You’re forgetting that he’s rich (compared to most americans, but as much as what he claims) and former POTUS giving him access to some of the best healthcare in the nation if not the world.

        Just remember that when he contracted covid back in 2020 and was hospitalized, it wasn’t just a vaccine or horse medicine they used to cure him, bit god damn stem cells derived treatment.

        • @kerrigan778@lemmy.world
          114 days ago

          That doesn’t change that we simply don’t have ways of curing or treating lots of things. If he’s developing Alzheimer’s for example no amount of money can do much of anything.

          • @nomous@lemmy.world
            414 days ago

            Ronnie was a doddering old man for decades and they hid it really well.

            It’s why they pick actors.

  • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
    815 days ago

    Yeah, but like that’s going to stop him taking waaay too close to 50% of the vote to be comfortable.

        • Queen HawlSera
          315 days ago

          Glad that has an article I can share to my friends who are normally very intelligent, but they legit believe Biden stole the erection.

          • @Rakonat@lemmy.world
            414 days ago

            Uh Trump was the one in office. Pretty damn hard rig an election when you’re not in power or position to influence.

        • @Fades@lemmy.world
          615 days ago


          The electoral college allows states with far less people to have the same amount of power as those with far denser populations

          It made sense in the past but no longer, and instead at times goes against the majority will of the people a la Trump and many previous examples

          • @recapitated@lemmy.world
            315 days ago

            I agree with you that it’s outdated and a terrible fit.

            Until we effectively replace it in law, unfortunately, it’s literally not illegitimate.

          • It never made sense. It was literally created to make sure voters could be overruled in the event the ruling class (party insiders) disagreed with their choice. It was justified to stop “mob rule” also known as the will of we the people.

            • @WildPalmTree@lemmy.world
              314 days ago

              It did make sense, but I understand why it might not seem like it to “modern Americans”. In fact, it’s quite an interesting mental challenge of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

              We have a similar issue today in the EU. Do we base it one “one country, one vote” or on “one person, one vote”? Both sides of the argument is valid. Why would small countries join if they give up complete independence to the giants? I imagine the situation was very similar when the US was formed.

              I think the flaw in the US system is they failed to forsee that states (or rather, people) would see themselves as one country and not a collection of countries. There should have been a time limit on the discrepancy of voting power.

              Sure, for a hundred years, a state is where your loyalty, your feeling of self, your center is at. But as time moves on, you are less an Ohioian and more of s USian. Similarly, I would hope, you are less of a German and more of an EUian.

              Neither blocks seem to have taken this into consideration but it makes it none the less true. Future generations paying the price for previous. Yada yada…

          • Queen HawlSera
            215 days ago

            I think a big reason why turning Texas Blue is such a priority, once that happens the GOP will be glad to get rid of the electoral college.

        • nickwitha_k (he/him)
          514 days ago

          In 1929, Congress passed the Reapportionment Act, loving the House of Representatives at 435. Due to population growth in largely coastal states, and the requirement of at least one Representative per state, the House, which was intended to provide representation proportional to population, instead give a significant amount of power to states with lower population densities, resulting in a tendency towards minority rule in the House. Since the number of Electoral College votes are proportional to a state’s delegation to Congress, this also gives low-population states an outsized influence over the Presidential election, contrary to the intent of the US Constitution.

          • @Fades@lemmy.world
            515 days ago

            The electoral college allows states with far less people to have the same amount of power as those with far denser populations

            It’s not rocket science, and yes I trust spellcheck too much

    • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
      514 days ago

      another “true, but”, comment: remember, Hillary got more votes than him. By the most in quantity and margin size in history, and still lost.

  • mihor
    014 days ago

    Still better love story than Sleepy Joe.

  • @Fapper_McFapper@lemm.ee
    16 days ago

    Trump is due back in court Thursday morning for a hearing on further violations of his gag order, after Merchan warned that he may have to turn to jail time.

    Noooooo, this is exactly what Trump wants. To become a martyr for a few days in jail so he can fundraise from it.

    We’re going to end up putting this fucker back in office aren’t we?

    • Goku
      2516 days ago

      Hes not a martyr if he continues to break the law and has to pay consequences. Put him in jail. If people protest that’s within their rights. We can’t let him get away with this.

    • Hegar
      2016 days ago

      Upholding the rule of law is more important than denying trump some hamburder money.

  • @blarth@thelemmy.club
    -4715 days ago

    In all honesty, the left trying to maintain the illusion that the economy is doing well because of job numbers makes me further question the authenticity of government statistics. The job market is absolutely horrid right now, and any assertions otherwise really set off my BS detector.

    • @Phegan@lemmy.world
      3215 days ago

      The metrics used to measure the economy are not the same metrics with which average residents measure their quality of life. We live in a world where a strong economy does not equate to quality of life for the people.

      This has been further exacerbated by the increase in wealth in equity. The way we measure the economy is a proxy for the rich getting richer. Everyone else gets fucked in a good economy and fucked harder in a bad economy.

      • @blarth@thelemmy.club
        -315 days ago

        Mortgage rates and inflation were at lower points, but most likely due to historic job losses and lack of consumer confidence. In January 2021, when, per Trump, “everything was so good,” unemployment was double its current figure and 95,000 Americans lost their lives to COVID-19.

    • @suction@lemmy.world
      15 days ago

      your anecdotal evidence vs. statistics, not even a fair fight. And even if you’re right, at this point I’d rather suffer in a Mad Max scenario than under another Trump presidency. Kind of like Trump’s “I could shoot someon 5th Ave. and people would still elect me”, just vice versa. My anecdotal evidence is that people will accept any hardship if it means no Trump win. Good thing is they don’t even have to.

      • @blarth@thelemmy.club
        -215 days ago

        I absolutely do not want to see another Trump presidency. I just don’t like being bald faced lied to about the reality of our current economy.